Fitted a bunch of underslung cabinets on my Lorry/RV, all the windows are fitted, it’s really coming along.
So you use x2 15a NEMA’s to get the 30a?
We do love our “high voltage”, we can draw just shy of 3000w from a standard houshold outlet, that’s why our electric kettles are so good :D Despite us having “230v” the actual voltage is around 253v most of the time. And yes, the current is roughly halved for 230v systems for the same given power as 120v systems.
120v is much safer, I’d imagine death by electric shock is rare in countries using 120v. Construction sites here have to use 110v power tools and lighting by law, the transformers they use are wired with the centre tap connected to earth, so it’s only 55v to earth (you’d have to touch both hots to get a 110v shock). I’ve been shocked by 230v (I was barefoot and standing on a damaged power cord, when I touched a metal light switch the current ran through me) it ain’t bloody pleasant, I felt odd for hours after.
The best way to check if a cable and the connections are decent is to measure the impedance of the circuit, even a cheap multimeter will do that, use the Ω setting.