I’m usually nervous about asking questions but I have about 2:
“4. Images of a pony sitting or standing on all fours should be a minimum of 800px in height, head-to-hoof. 1200px is preferred. Images of ponies standing on their hind legs or in an unusual pose should be proportional. Note that this refers to the resolution of the character itself - not the canvas.”
What if it’s a filly standing on her hind legs? Should the minimum height still be 1200px? Since I imagine Fillies are half the size of adult mares.
“6. Only original characters may be submitted. However, they can be holding plushies of canon characters.”
I have a character who I’m not sure is entirely an OC or not. In an oversimplified nutshell; She’s a clone of Princess Luna as a filly(or a Woona clone to put it simple) but she has her own backstory, name, personality, etc. and looks different from Woona other than a couple, obviously similar details like her color palette and her mane style being the same.
So would she still be allowed? I do have art pieces of her if you’d like to see as an example.