"Neckbeards vs Legbeards": Or, Social Justice Extremism

Wallet After Summer Sale -

Oh, trust me, I could definitely give you a rather long counterargument to common anti-feminist claims. The only reason I don’t is that now isn’t the time or place to have an exhaustive debate on social justice. I don’t expect you to ever be convinced, but the truth is that I do not see many anti-feminist arguments being as ironclad as they seem to think they are.
Or, more likely, because you have no evidence. Even if you didn’t have the desire to write a goddamn essay then if such arguments weren’t so stable you would have a whole raaaaaange of places online in which they’ve been taken apart that you could just link t-
Oh wait. That’d just mean you’d be doing the same shit you originally accused Tena of.
Nevermind then.
And honestly? You’re just proving my point even further. You’re proving right now that you are incapable of seeing beyond your own limited perspective. You so far have failed to comprehend the possibility that you might be wrong, and are insisting that anyone who doesn’t toe the line with the opinion you’ve decided everyone else should have deserves to be treated like shit.
Oh the irony. Just listen to you. You who refuse to acknowledge that you might be wrong, that maybe you’re the one incapable of seeing beyond your perspective. The one who decided to smear with asperations on political leanings rather than actually consider if your own position was as ideologically sound as you want to believe it is.
Oh man, it’s almost as if you prove your own damn point yourself.
I’m honestly surprised that nobody else has called you out on your bullshit here. Anyone who assumes that their belief is the “correct” one and that anyone who disagrees is automatically wrong is not someone worth listening to.
“I believe the sky is a vision painted upon a giant naked woman that lays in an arch across the earth.”
Now according to you and how you think arguments work, you would have to take this belief as an equal to all known astrology and then argue against it, rather than point out that it’s fucking stupid.
Background Pony #A9AE
Well firstly, The United States is also only one of three countries in the entire world to not have paid maternity leave, so compared to other countries a woman’s job will not simply be waiting for her to return, which further contributes to the wage gap. One study also found that women who did all the same things that men did to get ahead were rewarded less for it. (link: http://www.catalyst.org/knowledge/myth-ideal-worker-does-doing-all-right-things-really-get-women-ahead) Another study by Organizational Science found that, when managers had to explain pay raise decisions to employees, they gave more money to men than to women even when skill is equal. (link: http://pubsonline.informs.org/doi/abs/10.1287/orsc.1110.0691)
The wage gap is something that I believe is largely the result of women’s choices, but reducing it down to just that is a massive oversimplifaction that will help no one. It’s also worth noting that there seems to be very little effort from anti-feminists to address why women would make different choices, such as the prevailing societal notion that certain jobs are “for men” and others “for women.”
As for “rape culture”, that depends on what you mean, as there are two different interpretations. If you mean something that leads to or causes rape, than you’re correct in that this doesn’t exist. SJWs like PinkiePony and DragonDicks have not made this any better, as this seems to be the falsified interpretation they use.
However, the “rape culture” that does exist is the one that makes it difficult for victims to be taken seriously when they are raped. It’s basically a term used to point to the systematic barriers towards addressing rape. Rape culture is most rape not going reported, as seen in the National Crime Victimization Survey, because victims don’t think to report for whatever reason. Rape Culture is boys and men not being legally classified as rape victims when forced to penetrate, because people don’t take male rape seriously. Rape culture is the difficulty in getting Rape Kits used as evidence in court due to the massive backlogs, because the government doesn’t think that cleaning up the red tape and technological difficulties in the police departments for rape kits is a priority.
Rape Culture is not and will never be, things like cartoon horses making rape jokes on a blog. Rape Culture is not about how joking about rape will somehow convince people that rape is okay. The people who genuinely believe this are goddamned idiots and deserve to be called out for it.
Background Pony #A9AE
Double-posting because I can’t edit my posts as a Background Pony, but here we go, in order:
No, what I accused Tena of doing was providing so many small arguments in such a small space that nobody would have the ability to respond to it. You have to make sure your argument is sized so that people can take it in, that way people can properly examine, criticize, and possibly debunk it.
Secondly, I never once claimed that I couldn’t be wrong. I could be. Like I said before, everyone is biased, and I’m willing to admit that I am biased myself. I’m only human, after all. So what about you?
Thirdly, no, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that believing that you’re always right regardless of what arguments are used against you is bullshit. That is the height of arrogance, to believe that you are so unequivocally correct that no argument, no matter how valid, sound, or true, will ever change your mind.
And finally, you’re resorting to personal attacks, which is against the site rules last time I checked, and kind of what I was talking about earlier about being a symptom of SJW-itis.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

Can’t see the second study due to a paywall, it’s generally best to avoid such studies when proving points because of how easily the claim of ‘does that study actually say what you claim it says’ can be thrown when the study is inaccessable to most.
The wage gap is something that I believe is largely the result of women’s choices, but reducing it down to just that is a massive oversimplifaction that will help no one.
And what would help people, hm? Continuing to claim that women get paid less for doing an average of 5 or so hours less work than men in the same job? Claiming that it is totes legit to compare the salaries of an oil rig engineer with a school cook to determine if the woman isn’t being paid comparitively?
Women’s choices is the explanation for the pay gap, not just in terms of hours worked or jobs taken but also in terms of oppertunities gone for and wage-reducing elective benefits (pensions, medical, dental, etc) taken.
Why women choose those things is not a direct part of the wage gap argument - claiming otherwise is simply a means of deflecting attention away from the fact that the actual point of argument - that women are given less financial compensation for identical work performed by men - is being debunked by the simple showing that the examples used to ‘prove’ the gap don’t show women doing identical work or choosing identical compensation methods to men in the first place.
If you want to make a serious argument into the wage gap existing then the very first thing that has to be done is a proper study which compares like for like across a range of careers, subdivided for ages and experience levels within those careers. Once you’ve controlled for career, age, experience, family status, etc - Then you can argue over any remaining wage gaps.
It’s also worth noting that there seems to be very little effort from anti-feminists to address why women would make different choices, such as the prevailing societal notion that certain jobs are “for men” and others “for women.”
Largely because this is not their problem - the only reason it comes into the ‘wage gap’ argument is because of the dishonest practice of not comparing like for like when determining if women are paid at an equal rate to men or not. Why women pick different jobs, while important on a greater societal level, is ultimately irrelevant when the argument is over the specific issue of ‘is female person X paid the same for doing the same work as male person Y’.
As for “rape culture”, that depends on what you mean, as there are two different interpretations. If you mean something that leads to or causes rape, than you’re correct in that this doesn’t exist. SJWs like PinkiePony and DragonDicks have not made this any better, as this seems to be the falsified interpretation they use.
However, the “rape culture” that does exist is the one that makes it difficult for victims to be taken seriously when they are raped. It’s basically a term used to point to the systematic barriers towards addressing rape. Rape culture is most rape not going reported, as seen in the National Crime Victimization Survey, because victims don’t think to report for whatever reason. Rape Culture is boys and men not being legally classified as rape victims when forced to penetrate, because people don’t take male rape seriously. Rape culture is the difficulty in getting Rape Kits used as evidence in court due to the massive backlogs, because the government doesn’t think that cleaning up the red tape and technological difficulties in the police departments for rape kits is a priority.
And which part of Rape Culture is constantly telling women that there’s no point in reporting rape because they’ll not be taken seriously? Which part of it is parroting the unfounded claim that barely any rapists will see jail and thus given women even less incentive to report such crimes. Because Feminism regularly does both these things, yet no-one seems to question what effect on the reporting rate telling people they won’t be listened to, or that reporting won’t help, has.
As to the Rape Kit thing - the backlog is indeed terrible, but it’s amazing how many people don’t seem to realize how useless rape kits tend to be in the vast majority of rape cases. For the most part a rape kit contains equipment to take dna, hair and fiber evidence from the victim (as well as the victims blood, hair and clothes, for dna searching and/or elimination purposes).
Now… all of that simply isn’t going to be needed in any rape trial in which the situation is not ‘prove X had sexual interaction with Y’ but rather ‘prove the sex between X and Y was not consensual’ - which is a far more common occurrence than physically violent rape. All the evidence the rape kit provides is only really useful if the alleged rapist is either unknown, or denies sexual activity occurring. (EDIT: Obviously if violence was a factor then that has it’s own evidence such as physical injuries - again, not something really tracked by a rape kit itself).
So yeah, the backlog is a really shitty thing that needs to be worked through as quickly as possible… but equally a lot of the time the reasons why DNA is a pain to use in court is because the DNA evidence simply doesn’t prove anything the court doesn’t already know to be fact.
Rape Culture is not and will never be, things like cartoon horses making rape jokes on a blog. Rape Culture is not about how joking about rape will somehow convince people that rape is okay. The people who genuinely believe this are goddamned idiots and deserve to be called out for it.
Also, agreed.
Though on a related note, and one performed repeatedly by the DWM brigade, Rape Culture is expecting all rape victims to act in a manner that you think rape victims should act in (a manner not helped by common media portrayals of rape victims in tv and film). It’s about denying that they could, in fact, still laugh at rape jokes, or even just look at porn because you believe ‘Rape Victims Don’t Do That’(tm) and in worst cases it’s also about claiming anyone who doesn’t act the way you think they should isn’t a rape victim at all.
No, what I accused Tena of doing was providing so many small arguments in such a small space that nobody would have the ability to respond to it. You have to make sure your argument is sized so that people can take it in, that way people can properly examine, criticize, and possibly debunk it.
No. This is patently false - no-one has to do this and no-one should expect others to do this. This is, quite simply, arguing that because someone cannot be bothered to examine the arguments that they are bad arguments to be making.
Plus, if you bothered to actually look through said arguments, Tena regularly links back to the same six or so arguments. The only reason you think that she’s spamming them is because she regularly refers to those arguments when dealing with the same bunch of accusations over and over. At this point it’s not a case of ‘Tena has a lot of arguments to inflict against people’ it’s a case of ‘everyone attempts the same argument on her and this is her go-to response list’.
If you actually look back to the first time she used each individual argument she generally devoted a significant amount of time to explaining it - yet no-one bothered to counter or debunk, merely re-throw the same accusations her argument countered in the hope they might somehow stick the next time.
If there is any real accusation you can drop on Tena it’s that she’s been so jaded by these people flinging the same shit over and over that she’s become too quick on the draw for her go-to response post, resulting in it having been used against a few people it really didn’t seem to be all too applicable to. It’s also been used against the odd couple who have had more in depth complaints which would have been better served by a more personal and detailed response as the go-to didn’t really cover things well enough.
Secondly, I never once claimed that I couldn’t be wrong. I could be. Like I said before, everyone is biased, and I’m willing to admit that I am biased myself. I’m only human, after all. So what about you?
I’m not human, I identify as a lesser spotted wallamingo
I’m fully willing to accept my wrongness provided you actually prove me wrong. Just spewing hot air and claiming ‘you know nothing Jon Snow’ isn’t going to make me concede, no matter how much of it you use.
If you want me to concede that person X is a bad person then you’re going to have to provide evidence showing person X is a bad person over the majority of their time (or that the scale of bad things they’ve done is beyond question).
If you want me to concede that person X is a bad person and you show me one solitary example out of their entire life in which they were bad (and not even to any great scale) then, frankly, i’m not likely to accept it no matter how much you ram it in my face.
Thirdly, no, that’s not what I’m saying. What I’m saying is that believing that you’re always right regardless of what arguments are used against you is bullshit. That is the height of arrogance, to believe that you are so unequivocally correct that no argument, no matter how valid, sound, or true, will ever change your mind.
See above comment.
And finally, you’re resorting to personal attacks, which is against the site rules last time I checked, and kind of what I was talking about earlier about being a symptom of SJW-itis.
Please, if you think calling you a fucking idiot is a personal attack and against rules then fucking well report it. If you honestly think something someone did is against the rules then you either a) call a mod and see what they say or b) accept that you don’t, in fact, think it’s against the rules and are just blowing hot air.
Background Pony #A9AE
“Can’t see the second study due to a paywall, it’s generally best to avoid such studies when proving points because of how easily the claim of ’does that study actually say what you claim it says’ can be thrown when the study is inaccessable to most.”
I generally prefer to link to the studies themselves because linking to articles that cover them doesn’t always give you the full story.
Wallet After Summer Sale -

@Background Pony #8EB9
Oh, no - it’s fine to link to studies directly. It’s just that this one is behind a paywall which means even if you link to it the vast majority of people still can’t see it, and if people can’t see it then they’re liable to distrust that the study says what it is claimed to say.
It’s like that ‘rape jokes cause rape’ study that got passed around tumblr oh… shit, almost a year now. Everyone claimed it proved they caused rape… except when someone actually dug it up and read it the study said the complete opposite, that while it was trying to look for a ‘rape jokes cause rape’ result it didn’t find such a thing and had to conclude that rape jokes did not, in fact, cause rape.
So yeah, using studies most can’t see generally backfires because most people you’d be trying to convince by posting such studies aren’t going to believe anything someone claims the study says unless they themselves can read it in full.
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Absent Tactician
Gotta love that guy. They are all insulting him and he’s just like “Yeah, and what?”  
The dude saying “somebody needs to make you fear for your personal safety” is a little cunt and he knows it.

Ï have a very vague memory about that study, but the general argument was, those who laughed (or was it just heard?) at sexist and other jokes in the same vein, were more likely to answer being more alright with rape in the real world.
There are few possible explanations for this correlation:
  1. Sexist (let’s be honest here, this means women only) jokes dehumanize people and cause a lessening of sympathy in the people the joke is making fun off, therefor, lessening the reaction of injustice against the group, i.e. rape.
  2. Rape and sexist jokes literally creates rapists.
  3. The people already had those attitudes and laughing at the jokes meant that the laughter is an indicator of already existing beliefs.
  4. Coincidence
  5. Some of the people answering are intentionally trying to skew their answers for unspecified reasons.
  6. The one’s who were more alright with rape, means they just have less sympathy for everyone and not just rape victims.
That rape jokes cause rape or makes people less sympathetic to those who are raped is only a possibility that can be interpreted from the data, but it doesn’t mean it is the only true interpretation garnered from it. Jokes could be a factor, but you need extensive retrials and collaborative data to come to the conclusion the study did, in order to safely claim something with scientific certainty.
Correlation does not equal causation – this is basic statistical science.

I don’t mind the fat acceptance folks. There is a lot of dislike for fat people. At the same time it’s stupid to deny that being obese is unhealthy.

but this one was the time of fat acceptace guy that dismissed all sources, was saying thin people shouldnt be accounted in weight discrimination and said obesity was normal dispite health problems, you know typical sjw behavior.
of course he was annoying as fuck.
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About fat acceptance, I know there are two positions. One is to eliminate prejudice against far while at the same time work their way out of obesity, the other one just promote fat as a good thing. Which one is more prominent?
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As far as I’m concerned, “it’s my body and I can be as fat as I want” only really works if you’re financially stable enough to pay for your own healthcare. Otherwise other people are paying for you, and that means isn’t a private issue anymore, it is a public health one.
And these are the people who don’t think overeating causes obesity, that doctors who tell them they need to lose weight are evil, and that clothes cost more for them is persecution.
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Retired Ass
And as with so many of these issues, they adopt an extremist position that makes actual discussion of the issue impossible.
Debates over the validity of BMI (which is a very flawed system), the actual definition of obesity, diet, body image, fashion industry exploitation of hyper-thin models and so many other things are all lost in the noise of “ACCEPT MY LIFESTYLE YOU THINPRIVILEGED SCUM!” or whatever their insult of choice is…
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