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Size: 1024x768 | Tagged: safe, artist:aristagtle, fall of equestria, a song of ice and fire, abyssinia, armello, crystal empire, griffonstone, inkarnate, land of the hippogriffs, lovecraft, map, rise of equestria, saddle arabia, shattered order, the elder scrolls, yakyakistan, zebrica
Schorl Tourmaline

Not in FoE. NCN never really addressed them, and had no intention of addressing them, because he didn’t care much about the comics’ canon. All hints in canon lead to the Everfree Forest having no inhabitants, and there were no plotlines to my knowledge that would explore the idea that any species once lived in the Everfree.
Size: 7000x8000 | Tagged: safe, artist:garyd12, artist:vectorfag, oc, oc:aryanne, earth pony, pony, derpibooru, the end of derpibooru, comments locked down, female, graveyard of comments, hi anon, mare, meme, meta, nazipone, politics
Schorl Tourmaline

Oh yeah, that’s happened. The person the Anon is referring to is Daryl Davis, known black activist, and he was invited to do a seminar someplace (I forget exactly where) in an event related to an independent journalist named Tim Pool. Antifa then declared the seminar as a “racist gathering”, and threatened to burn down the theater they were going to hold it in if it happened. Due to that, the seminar was relocated, and apparently it was fine. Look it up, it shouldn’t be that hard to find. Just use the names I mentioned, and you’ll get a bunch of videos on the subject.
Honestly, Antifa (and by extension BLM since they like to intermix with them) are a bunch of nutjobs who proclaim they are against fascism, while at the same time using purely fascist tactics to force people to do what they want. In reality, they are all just horrible people who want everybody to do what they want, while never REALLY giving a solid stance on anything particular issue. They say they are against racism, but will be the first to use racist slurs against minorities that speak against them. They say they support LGBT, but again if one steps out of line, they will lynch them in the streets. Their only noticeable agenda appears to be that they want to be able to commit hate crimes with impunity, and have the right to attack and break property of those they don’t agree with, which seems to be everyone but those in their group. Sometimes even those in their group, because they will easily turn on you for having an opinion.
Size: 2480x2996 | Tagged: safe, artist:mcsplosion, oc, oc:aryanne, earth pony, pony, adventure in the comments, black lives matter, comments locked down, cutiemarking, female, flag, flag pole, flag waving, high res, mare, politics, solo, swastika
Schorl Tourmaline

That and the image is just using a recognizable character as a mouthpiece, doing something against the character’s normal motivations. I’d be more accepting of this a few months back when BLM was just something that popped up 4 years prior and then vanished, cause this would have been more of a joke then. Now though, it’s just feel like a propaganda piece pandering to people who are an active part of the riots, looting, rape, murders, and general destruction happening around the country. These are all things that I personally cannot support.
Size: 2480x2996 | Tagged: safe, artist:mcsplosion, oc, oc:aryanne, earth pony, pony, adventure in the comments, black lives matter, comments locked down, cutiemarking, female, flag, flag pole, flag waving, high res, mare, politics, solo, swastika
Schorl Tourmaline

I do agree that virtue signalling is also part of the problem. You know, for years, decades, centuries, gay people have been told that what they are doing is wrong, and now that they have some sort of foothold, they are proceeding to tell everyone else that what they are doing is wrong. It makes me so happy that I’m asexual and don’t have to deal with any of that crap.
Size: 2480x2996 | Tagged: safe, artist:mcsplosion, oc, oc:aryanne, earth pony, pony, adventure in the comments, black lives matter, comments locked down, cutiemarking, female, flag, flag pole, flag waving, high res, mare, politics, solo, swastika
Schorl Tourmaline

People don’t defend the LGBT pride art because it doesn’t need defending. Not sure if you’ve noticed, but people pretty much accept gays and lesbians now, and in the pony community that is especially true when a large amount of our porn is two mares fucking. They might not have realized it yet, but the gays have won. You are accepted, throw the confetti.
On the other hand, people are defending Aryanne because she is literally harmless, yet some silly people are up in arms about a character who is practically made as a joke towards nazism. She’s “Springtime for Hitler”, a pure satire of the concept that is not supposed to taken seriously. I mean look at her, she’s earth pony, when we all know that alicorns would be the true master race in MLP. Everything about her is a parody, and not seeing that only reveals a narrow minded view from the people complaining about a silly cartoon horse created to make fun of nazism.
Size: 2480x2996 | Tagged: safe, artist:mcsplosion, oc, oc:aryanne, earth pony, pony, adventure in the comments, black lives matter, comments locked down, cutiemarking, female, flag, flag pole, flag waving, high res, mare, politics, solo, swastika
Schorl Tourmaline

@Background Pony #58D5  
No, no it doesn’t. the point of free speech is that it is “free speech”. As much as I don’t like some things people might have to say, I have no right to prevent them from saying it. To try and prevent someone’s ability to say whatever stupid thing they want to say is oppression and bigotry, plain and simple.
And again, Aryanne does not “promote nazism”. It’s a silly, dumb character someone made as a joke, that holds no symbolism to it whatsoever except “look, someone made a nazi pony, lol”. To be offend by this blatant joke would be like being offended by 2% milk for not being chocolate.
Size: 2480x2996 | Tagged: safe, artist:mcsplosion, oc, oc:aryanne, earth pony, pony, adventure in the comments, black lives matter, comments locked down, cutiemarking, female, flag, flag pole, flag waving, high res, mare, politics, solo, swastika
Schorl Tourmaline

I said it before, I’ll say it again. Aryanne is a joke character made for a laugh. The idea that the character actually promotes racism is silly, and that you don’t know that is so unbelievably stupid that I have to believe you are trolling.

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