Wasp: SPIKE! Wake up, please! Come on, say something! ANYTHING
An eerie and familar tune starts to play, Wasp looks to the source and to her horror, an old enemy that she knows too well slowly reveals himself
Wasp: No… it can’t be!
I’ve got no strings, to pull me down
Make me fret, or make me frown
I had stings, but now I’m free
There are no strings on me…
Ultron: Hello Janet… Did you miss me?
Wasp: Ultron!?!
Ultron: In the flesh! Well not literally, but I’m here and ready.
Wasp: You almost killed my friend!
Ultron: Wouldn’t have been my first call. But… down in the real world, we’re all faced with ugly choices. After all, I still have a mission to fulfil.
Wasp: And what mission is that!
Ultron: ….Peace in our time!
There are… No… STRINGS… on me