Celestia and Luna tried to extinguish the fire but all their efforts were futile
Finally, they and the Royal Court were installed in The Crystal Empire
Twilight’s betrayal broke Celestia’s heart and her magic began to weaken until one fateful day she couldn’t raise the sun again
The chaos began to run among the ponies when the morning didn’t come, so Luna had to raise the sun as she lowered the moon
Thereafter Princess Luna took care for both Sun and Moon, while she tried to enliven Celestia
Another fallen hero
Can’t argue with that. Wonky it is.
Still wonky, just not his own wonk.
Those are different storylines.
Plus, it’s comissioned work.
Honestly, the mane six corrupted for good, a NEW, all-male mane six set led by gay Flash Sentry and Comet Tail, and so on and so forth?
This would be a worse trainwreck only if the artist set the Friendship Express on a collision course with the Ursa Major.
dammit, cant unsee!