A bit too late for the event (the last of the seven days it runs), but just now got the idea.
(Not sure if I should tag myself as editor, coder, or both, but it’s such a silly and simple thing that I don’t think it’s worth it)
Also, I know there’s been complaints of undertagging during this event, but I’m not sure what more tags to add, sorry in advance for any I may have forgotten.
I could analyze this further, but the important thing is Celestia still has good fans!
Praise the Sun!
And the Moon too!
I love both princesses, I don’t know which more, but I do know I’ll always support more the underloved one.
Oh! 182362 - 173463 = 8899 Of course!
Had I captured this in the right moment, your meme would be totally accurate!
And you’re also right about the difference, in the end it was an 8%, a great difference, but IMO not so much considering how, of both of our beloved princess, the (quite literally) ensemble dark horse is much more liked, as shown here:
I could analyze this further, but the important thing is Celestia still has good fans!
Praise the Sun!
And the Moon too!
I love both princesses, I don’t know which more, but I do know I’ll always support more the underloved one.
Yet despite being at such a constant disadvantage, we held strong, and even overcame the deficit a few times.
Oh! 182362 - 173463 = 8899 Of course!
Had I captured this in the right moment, your meme would be totally accurate!
And you’re also right about the difference, in the end it was an 8%, a great difference, but IMO not so much considering how, of both of our beloved princess, the (quite literally) ensemble dark horse is much more liked, as shown here:
This image specifically, with the difference in votes.
But it turns out the final tally was an ever greater margain.
That’s a mark both teams passed the first day! Or what numbers are you referring to?
They’re (almost) over 9000!!!