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A new take on the classic “Dogs Playing Poker” oil painting series by C.M. Coolidge. Original (titled ‘A Friend in Need’) can be viewed here!
Edit(sorry for all the updates): Forgot to mention this; this is a relatively quick piece I threw together to help plan out an actual oil painting that I plan to do. Final product will be posted in a few weeks!
Also, I didn’t realize how controversial this would be. For clarification, I’m not classifying Iron Will as a villain. I just think the guy would enjoy a night of poker!
Also, I didn’t realize how controversial this would be. For clarification, I’m not classifying Iron Will as a villain. I just think the guy would enjoy a night of poker!
Lets be honest reformed or not, trixie would cheat at cards
>>363966t (merged)
Rule no 1: there are no rules.
His top rated comment was about the double standards in the show.
Can’t say I did, no.
Did you see the AnY Pony’s followup to his AnYPony asks “About offensive stuff”?
‘Constantly encouraged Dash to act like a dick’
Really? That’s your big claim to her being a villain?
Why, it’s no worse than how Spitfire encouraged Dust to act like a dick by promoting and repeatedly praising her for doing so rather than slapping her down and ensuring her training as a team player the way she was supposed to do in her position?
Or perhaps for villainry we should look at Dust’s reaction to everyones near death! Which is almost exactly the same as Fluttershy and Twilight’s reactions to Rarity’s near death back during the best young flyer contest… And unlike with LD the nearly dead was supposedly their best friend.
Or hey, do we even need to bring MMDW into this? Because we totally could and really point out how pretty much every one of the mane six can be painted as a sociopath with much less work than Lightning Dust.
Oh wait, i forgot. Doing things like that is only bad when ponies you don’t like do them.
Which is ultimately why most of these jerks are labelled as villains - because they just can’t bring themselves to admit that most of the ponies they like are just as bad, so they have to sling around the term ‘villain’ to make sure those mean jerkfaces are clearly segregated from their favorites (who certainly can’t be just as bad no-sir-ee whatsoever).
As I said, nitpicky.
…No-one said Gilda was not a villain here. FiM really only has 4 real villains though, but not a bad array of huge jerks. Trixie, Gilda, Diamond Tiara, and Lightning Dust all fit into the jerk category so I don’t mind them being here. It is just stupid adding in Iron Will or the Flimminy Flammers to a villain picture though. How about we add the overpriced cherry salespony as a villain too? We might as well! And in that one episode Fluttershy made her friends cry, so clearly she’s a villain too!! LET’S JUST PUT ALL THE PONIES IN THE IMAGE!!!!11 DERPIBOORUISTHEVILLAIN6ASJNSDF5A4NDGJBNSKJDB3NGKJSBGLSNETNN
Also it is a good image, but Sombra and discord could do with looking a bit less like vectors, facially.