I think you’re putting too much into the version of disguise you’re using. I was referring to changelings being able to change their shape and hardness their disguise, while you are using the version of wearing a costume for your argument. To me, they can change their shape and even appear as the opposite sex, but they themselves are still the same sex (like males can’t get pregnant and females can’t impregnate and the like, even if their disguise is that convincing).
But lets try to stick to the image/comic itself or take this discussion to an appropriate forum.
To be honest, I feel it’s a Mix of Both.
After all, It’s clear that Changelings can fully transform into whatever they disguise as, i.e. Thorax was able to disguise himself as a Rock the size of Spike’s foot.
If it was merely a “Disguise”, Spike would have bumped into his real form, rather than step right over his Pebble form.
So yeah, I’d say Thorax could turn into a Female at any time… Problem is, It’s likely that Thorax would have to “Default” to his normal Male form after expending a certain amount of energy, or in the event of severe injury, i.e, if you knocked a chip off Thorax’s Pebble form, you’d force him to revert to his male changeling form, with either a nasty bump, or a large gash in his side.
Note how in the Season 2 Fight against the Changelings, none of the changelings sustained their Mane Six forms after they were injured/Knocked unconscious.
So say, If Thorax became a Virgin female, popping “Her” cherry may not cause a revert, though Thorax would be in a world of Pain, but Donkey Punching “Her” may induce such a thing… As Donkey Punching actually can kill someone, or cause a severe Concussion.
I get that Thorax is a changeling, but I wonder if he’s a closet trans…He looks awfully comfortable in…well lets not beat around the bush-he’s wearing a neligee as a bathing suit…
Not trying to offend anyone, since I’m aware there are some on now…just an observation.
I think you’re putting too much into the version of disguise you’re using. I was referring to changelings being able to change their shape and hardness their disguise, while you are using the version of wearing a costume for your argument. To me, they can change their shape and even appear as the opposite sex, but they themselves are still the same sex (like males can’t get pregnant and females can’t impregnate and the like, even if their disguise is that convincing).
But lets try to stick to the image/comic itself or take this discussion to an appropriate forum.
Headcanon with a Basis based heavily on what we are shown rather than told.
There’s Wild Mass Guessing, and then there’s piecing the facts together via simple observation.
I gave my reasoning via observation, and applying simple logic.
Again, headcanons.
To be honest, I feel it’s a Mix of Both.
After all, It’s clear that Changelings can fully transform into whatever they disguise as, i.e. Thorax was able to disguise himself as a Rock the size of Spike’s foot.
If it was merely a “Disguise”, Spike would have bumped into his real form, rather than step right over his Pebble form.
So yeah, I’d say Thorax could turn into a Female at any time… Problem is, It’s likely that Thorax would have to “Default” to his normal Male form after expending a certain amount of energy, or in the event of severe injury, i.e, if you knocked a chip off Thorax’s Pebble form, you’d force him to revert to his male changeling form, with either a nasty bump, or a large gash in his side.
Note how in the Season 2 Fight against the Changelings, none of the changelings sustained their Mane Six forms after they were injured/Knocked unconscious.
So say, If Thorax became a Virgin female, popping “Her” cherry may not cause a revert, though Thorax would be in a world of Pain, but Donkey Punching “Her” may induce such a thing… As Donkey Punching actually can kill someone, or cause a severe Concussion.
Depends on who you ask. Some say he can disguise as one, others he can change his actual sex. It’s headcanon territory.
Can’t he become a Girl?
He is not trans, he is just a femboy/trap
True, true. I’m quite intrigued now if Rarity and the other girls see this…the reaction are gonna be delicious.
Blame Rarity. She stuffed him into one such Swimsuit previously.
Not trying to offend anyone, since I’m aware there are some on now…just an observation.
Thorax: “Lace makes me feel confident.”
Ah, thank you very much )))
He’s hot and you know it
Don’t hate on perfection.
I love your icon,you’ve got good taste. :3
Since fue can either mean “I did” or “he/she/you did”, I think Spike is asking when he became the protag.