Yes, I also saw, and that changes a lot. They look much better, and everything is not so sad.
Yeah, it’s impressive how a small little edit like that can change so much.
Two other things that I don’t like are that they have disheveled manes – why do this? Is this an indicator that adult life, even in Equestria, can be exhausting? why other adults do not have such manes? if you look closely, protruding curls are visible.
The Mane 6 do seem to have multiple jobs and travel a lot so that could explain why their manes might be a bit messy, especially in regards to Applejack since a lot of her main job requires lots of physical work (and she is canonically a hard worker, even to the point that she sometimes overworks herself). That’s just my best guess though.
Rarity’s mane with gray hair looks even sadder, it was a pity for my one of my favorite ponies. :(
If it makes you feel better, some people can get grey hair even if they’re young. I started getting grey hairs when I was a teenager and the same happened to my dad. (But oddly enough, despite the bits of grey hair, my dad actually looks younger than his actual age.) Something even as simple as having a zinc or vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair to turn grey.
But I can definitely understand where you’re coming from.
For my personal taste, Mane RD looks awful, as if she is not trying to be an individual, but is copying her old idol.
And I just do not like short haircuts, although depending on what they are designed, for example, for some it looks stylish, for example, for Coco Pommel, it is cool.
I quite like short hair but I generally prefer long hair. I think it really depends on the person/character. It’s more of a personal preference thing but I can also understand why you like the longer hair for Dash.
I mostly think the eye bags are to blame for that. I’ve seen edited screencaps, edited videos, and fanart that remove them and they look much better without them.
Yes, I also saw, and that changes a lot. They look much better, and everything is not so sad.
Two other things that I don’t like are that they have disheveled manes - why do this? Is this an indicator that adult life, even in Equestria, can be exhausting? why other adults do not have such manes? if you look closely, protruding curls are visible.
Rarity’s mane with gray hair looks even sadder, it was a pity for my one of my favorite ponies. :(
She looks much older than her parents, as if she is a lonely rich lady in a fur coat.
For my personal taste, Mane RD looks awful, as if she is not trying to be an individual, but is copying her old idol.
And I just do not like short haircuts, although depending on what they are designed, for example, for some it looks stylish, for example, for Coco Pommel, it is cool.
Again, they can have an age spell performed on them. Twilight could probably do it herself. And do you really think Discord would let Fluttershy die? He would even bring her back from the dead if she somehow did die.
I don’t know, they didn’t show it in the series, it all depends on your imagination and on fanfiction writers, everyone can write anything.
The fact that Twilight is immortal is natural and it was clear from the very beginning. This is her life path of becoming from a student to a princess of harmony, the ruler of Equestria.
This is a natural character growth :)
Although I’m a little offended, my beloved princess - Celestia, she could have been very well revealed and shown her power, but the scriptwriters decided to make her useless.
@Background Pony #56DE
Fair point. But Granny Smith was elderly and we already got the implications that Bright Mac and Pear Butter passed away beforehand too. It’s sad, yes, but that sort of thing happens.
I mostly think the eye bags are to blame for that. I’ve seen edited screencaps, edited videos, and fanart that remove them and they look much better without them.
The artist who came up with such a tasteless design of adult characters, he needs to tear off his hands, and say that he never painted again.
They look alive to me. Just older. Nothing inherently wrong with that.
But they chose to depict the problem about age and immortality instead of avoiding it, which really inproper for such a show,which deserves a fairy tale’s end.
I don’t know if that’s a good comparison. Quite a bit of fairy tales have bittersweet endings, sad endings, or even creepy dark and morbid endings. For example, in the original “The Little Mermaid,” the mermaid didn’t get married to the prince. She straight-up died and turned into foam.
MLP is like a fairy tale, yes, but that includes teaching the audience various virtues and morals through its stories. That’s kind of been its sthick since season one. Quite a bit of older fairy tales often had “scare ‘em straight” morals (like how “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” had the boy get eaten by a wolf to teach the moral about how if you constantly lie, sooner or later people won’t believe you). MLP, for the most part, doesn’t go that route with their lessons and usually goes for the straightforward and idealistic way with teaching their lessons.
And while I have issues with the three-part finale, I do think the lessons the finale had to give about accepting change, making compromises for your friends despite conflicting schedules (which is a real part of life that people will face), aiming to meet your dreams and goals, and the importance of teaching and passing the torch to a new generation are all very good morals to teach.
These are great morals not just for its targeted audience of children but for adults too. And this wasn’t the first time MLP had mature morals like this. “Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?” delved into the dangers of stress and guilt and the importance of reaching out for help when you’re mentally unwell. Not to mention Moondancer’s debut episode kind of goes into the topic of ghosting and how it negatively affects people and how it’s important to be considerate of other people’s feelings.
Speaking of the show teaching mature morals, it did tackle targeted the topics about getting older before too. Quite a bit of the CMC related episodes revolves around them getting older as well as their older siblings adjusting to that. The show is 9 years old so the children who watched the show are now teens and adults. So the older siblings, parents, and other family members who may have watched the show with their younger family members can definitely relate to Rarity, Applejack, and Big Mac adjusting to seeing their family members mature.
@Background Pony #56DE
But the point is we shouldn’t have talk about anything like immortality or death in a show like MLP, if the creators didn’t make them older and even die in epilogue. If everypony stay the same appearance as S1, then we can happily take that they’ll all live together happily. But they chose to depict the problem about age and immortality instead of avoiding it, which really inproper for such a show,which deserves a fairy tale’s end.
Again, they can have an age spell performed on them. Twilight could probably do it herself. And do you really think Discord would let Fluttershy die? He would even bring her back from the dead if she somehow did die.
I’m on your side. The tought that Twilight will be alone after thousands and my beloved Fluttershy is aging and will pass on made me cry. It is strange so many like the epilogue, maybe they don’t think as much as us. Actually, Jim Miller said on Twitter that they want a suspense end, but Hasbro “ has no interest in it”. So, maybe Hasbro should be blame for?
@Background Pony #CDA5
No, they look older than 40, they look older than their parents.
The artist who came up with such a tasteless design of adult characters, he needs to tear off his hands, and say that he never painted again.
In general, I have only one claim to this episode, this is to the terrible character design. I especially don’t like Rainbow Dash’s short haircut. x(
They’re like what? In their 40s in the time skip? That’s not old.
Even if they were old, I really don’t see the problem with that (but then again, I’m older than a lot of other people in the fanbase so maybe I don’t mind because of that).
@northern haste
Literally nothing you just said had anything to do with it being Canon or not. Тo your words, I can use this argument too.
Episode 26 is not the final, it is an epilogue which is not required to be watched.
The final is the 25-24 series, as in this picture, as the perfect end to the series.
There are a lot of plot holes and illogicalities, everything is bad there, if all this is listed, then the text of my criticism is not enough to express my dissatisfaction with this episode.
What will happen in 20-500 years should be decided by the fans, with their fan fiction, and everyone will find for themselves the ending he wants.
Literally nothing you just said had anything to do with it being Canon or not.
if 26 was not the actual final episode it would have felt more like the show just stopped
@Background Pony #56DE
Hi! 24-25 series - A very epic and cool decent ending, I really liked it.
Although on the account of Twilight - the princess, I would argue. Aethetically, in the role of Equestria’s rule, I like Celestia more, it’s a pity the scriptwriters have not shown the power of Celestia and have not revealed her potential.
She is actually not useless, but a great and wise ruler, unfortunately the scriptwriters have a different opinion.
Celestia is a useless stool, that’s the opinion of the scriptwriters of the show.
Lauren Faust in season 1-2 was more respectful of Celestia.
I didn’t like episode 26, I don’t accept it. I do not agree with what happened in the 26th series, it all looked like a personal opinion of the screenwriter and you should not take his fantasies seriously. this episode looks separate from the entire series, and if a potential viewer misses it, it will absolutely not lose anything.
Of course you may not agree with my opinion, but I don’t care what you think, this is already a personal matter for everyone.
¯_ (ツ) _/¯
Yeah, it’s impressive how a small little edit like that can change so much.
The Mane 6 do seem to have multiple jobs and travel a lot so that could explain why their manes might be a bit messy, especially in regards to Applejack since a lot of her main job requires lots of physical work (and she is canonically a hard worker, even to the point that she sometimes overworks herself). That’s just my best guess though.
If it makes you feel better, some people can get grey hair even if they’re young. I started getting grey hairs when I was a teenager and the same happened to my dad. (But oddly enough, despite the bits of grey hair, my dad actually looks younger than his actual age.) Something even as simple as having a zinc or vitamin B12 deficiency can cause hair to turn grey.
But I can definitely understand where you’re coming from.
I quite like short hair but I generally prefer long hair. I think it really depends on the person/character. It’s more of a personal preference thing but I can also understand why you like the longer hair for Dash.
Yes, I also saw, and that changes a lot. They look much better, and everything is not so sad.
Two other things that I don’t like are that they have disheveled manes - why do this? Is this an indicator that adult life, even in Equestria, can be exhausting? why other adults do not have such manes? if you look closely, protruding curls are visible.
Rarity’s mane with gray hair looks even sadder, it was a pity for my one of my favorite ponies. :(
She looks much older than her parents, as if she is a lonely rich lady in a fur coat.
For my personal taste, Mane RD looks awful, as if she is not trying to be an individual, but is copying her old idol.
And I just do not like short haircuts, although depending on what they are designed, for example, for some it looks stylish, for example, for Coco Pommel, it is cool.
I don’t know, they didn’t show it in the series, it all depends on your imagination and on fanfiction writers, everyone can write anything.
The fact that Twilight is immortal is natural and it was clear from the very beginning. This is her life path of becoming from a student to a princess of harmony, the ruler of Equestria.
This is a natural character growth :)
Although I’m a little offended, my beloved princess - Celestia, she could have been very well revealed and shown her power, but the scriptwriters decided to make her useless.
Fair point. But Granny Smith was elderly and we already got the implications that Bright Mac and Pear Butter passed away beforehand too. It’s sad, yes, but that sort of thing happens.
I think he was referring to the implication that Granny Smith died in the time skip.
I mostly think the eye bags are to blame for that. I’ve seen edited screencaps, edited videos, and fanart that remove them and they look much better without them.
@Background Pony #8E1F
They look alive to me. Just older. Nothing inherently wrong with that.
I don’t know if that’s a good comparison. Quite a bit of fairy tales have bittersweet endings, sad endings, or even creepy dark and morbid endings. For example, in the original “The Little Mermaid,” the mermaid didn’t get married to the prince. She straight-up died and turned into foam.
MLP is like a fairy tale, yes, but that includes teaching the audience various virtues and morals through its stories. That’s kind of been its sthick since season one. Quite a bit of older fairy tales often had “scare ‘em straight” morals (like how “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” had the boy get eaten by a wolf to teach the moral about how if you constantly lie, sooner or later people won’t believe you). MLP, for the most part, doesn’t go that route with their lessons and usually goes for the straightforward and idealistic way with teaching their lessons.
And while I have issues with the three-part finale, I do think the lessons the finale had to give about accepting change, making compromises for your friends despite conflicting schedules (which is a real part of life that people will face), aiming to meet your dreams and goals, and the importance of teaching and passing the torch to a new generation are all very good morals to teach.
These are great morals not just for its targeted audience of children but for adults too. And this wasn’t the first time MLP had mature morals like this. “Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?” delved into the dangers of stress and guilt and the importance of reaching out for help when you’re mentally unwell. Not to mention Moondancer’s debut episode kind of goes into the topic of ghosting and how it negatively affects people and how it’s important to be considerate of other people’s feelings.
Speaking of the show teaching mature morals, it did tackle targeted the topics about getting older before too. Quite a bit of the CMC related episodes revolves around them getting older as well as their older siblings adjusting to that. The show is 9 years old so the children who watched the show are now teens and adults. So the older siblings, parents, and other family members who may have watched the show with their younger family members can definitely relate to Rarity, Applejack, and Big Mac adjusting to seeing their family members mature.
But the point is we shouldn’t have talk about anything like immortality or death in a show like MLP, if the creators didn’t make them older and even die in epilogue. If everypony stay the same appearance as S1, then we can happily take that they’ll all live together happily. But they chose to depict the problem about age and immortality instead of avoiding it, which really inproper for such a show,which deserves a fairy tale’s end.
I’m on your side. The tought that Twilight will be alone after thousands and my beloved Fluttershy is aging and will pass on made me cry. It is strange so many like the epilogue, maybe they don’t think as much as us. Actually, Jim Miller said on Twitter that they want a suspense end, but Hasbro “ has no interest in it”. So, maybe Hasbro should be blame for?
No, they look older than 40, they look older than their parents.
The artist who came up with such a tasteless design of adult characters, he needs to tear off his hands, and say that he never painted again.
In general, I have only one claim to this episode, this is to the terrible character design. I especially don’t like Rainbow Dash’s short haircut. x(
They’re like what? In their 40s in the time skip? That’s not old.
Even if they were old, I really don’t see the problem with that (but then again, I’m older than a lot of other people in the fanbase so maybe I don’t mind because of that).
Holy crap this artist is based.
Age Spell
I love mane6 too much, and I have no desire to see them in the form of old people who are dying, all this is very sad.
I met the series in 2013 too, most of the way through S3.
It is so. I didn’t love S26 but I’m fine with it. Don’t see how you can be ‘offended’ by it.
If it’s easier for you, you can think so.
¯_ (ツ) _/¯
Sounds like you were personally offended by the episode. Whether you like it or not, it’s canon. That’s the truth of the matter.
Literally nothing you just said had anything to do with it being Canon or not. Тo your words, I can use this argument too.
Episode 26 is not the final, it is an epilogue which is not required to be watched.
The final is the 25-24 series, as in this picture, as the perfect end to the series.
There are a lot of plot holes and illogicalities, everything is bad there, if all this is listed, then the text of my criticism is not enough to express my dissatisfaction with this episode.
What will happen in 20-500 years should be decided by the fans, with their fan fiction, and everyone will find for themselves the ending he wants.
All these disputes would not have happened if the episode ended in episode 25.
Literally nothing you just said had anything to do with it being Canon or not.
if 26 was not the actual final episode it would have felt more like the show just stopped
Hi! 24-25 series - A very epic and cool decent ending, I really liked it.
Although on the account of Twilight - the princess, I would argue. Aethetically, in the role of Equestria’s rule, I like Celestia more, it’s a pity the scriptwriters have not shown the power of Celestia and have not revealed her potential.
She is actually not useless, but a great and wise ruler, unfortunately the scriptwriters have a different opinion.
Celestia is a useless stool, that’s the opinion of the scriptwriters of the show.
Lauren Faust in season 1-2 was more respectful of Celestia.
I didn’t like episode 26, I don’t accept it. I do not agree with what happened in the 26th series, it all looked like a personal opinion of the screenwriter and you should not take his fantasies seriously. this episode looks separate from the entire series, and if a potential viewer misses it, it will absolutely not lose anything.
Of course you may not agree with my opinion, but I don’t care what you think, this is already a personal matter for everyone.
Agreed. Hopefully it’s just a dumb joke and the artist isn’t really arguing that.