No, we’re saying filter the artist OUT of searches. So you don’t see the artist’s work. Most of what they do involves stuff like this. In fact, this is fairly tame.
@Background Pony #1011
Maybe or a follow up to their conversation they had over Flurry Heart being still diaperd by Cadance well into her Teenage years, that they had right over here.
You know, the funny thing is, this really does have the “older” tag… I assumed it just meant toddler or something, though, heh…
Shining works all day and is only around in the morning and evening, and had just assumed she only wore them at night, until one day he finally realizes.
“Cadence, we need to talk.”
“Is it about Flurr~~” “-It’s about Flurry Heart.”
CD: “Well, nopony is making fun of her for it.”
“That’s because her parents are the chief of the military / prince, and princess of the kingdom.”
“Well I don’t want her to feel unloved and I don’t think she wants to~~”
“Do you make her clean her room when I’m not around?”
“…Well, isn’t that what the palace servants are for?”
“How about eat her greens?”
“…You do that.”
“…I even showed her how to change her own diapers…”
“Okay, that’s it, we’re having some father-daughter time…”
Does this make you happier? :3
Ha, that jump feels like it’s got a good story behind it :3
Personally I consider >>1984372 to be the follow-up to this.
I meant him as caretaker
well why don’t we hope that she just wants to hypnotize him first so she can wear one with him with no shame ^^;
nah I love to see cadence in diaper to many of shinning armor in diaper.
because by golly he makes a great sissy ^^;
He wants to plow her field
I won’t like it but I can handle it.
Do go on :3
Like she’s never messed with her brother before?
I hope you like weird then, because, uh…simple regression hypnosis like this is definitely one of the milder things they do.
Suit yourself, then.
But I want to see all artists though. No matter how bad they are…
No, we’re saying filter the artist OUT of searches. So you don’t see the artist’s work. Most of what they do involves stuff like this. In fact, this is fairly tame.
@Furtive Tactics
Well, maybe I should. But I might not like the artist though.
Maybe or a follow up to their conversation they had over Flurry Heart being still diaperd by Cadance well into her Teenage years, that they had right over here.
@Cirrus Light
Once a foalsitter, always a foalsitter.