One thing they could do as an alternative is try mass producing brain-dead clones of some of Equestria’s most colorful ponies, like rainbow dash, or create a custom genetic template to create clones who are orders of magnitude more colorful than even rainbow dash
That’s because in this universe, the pegasi community has been getting rid of the “weak” even before there was a Rainbow Factory. It’s their culture.
After Princess Celestia no longer made the rainbows, she assigned the job to the pegasi and their top engineers discovered the method to extract the spectra from the ponies.
This was never reported to Princess Celestia though, so she doesn’t know what goes on in the Rainbow Factory.
Not to mention now that Luna is back princess celestia is perfectly capable of making rainbows again, which raises the question of why hasn’t she stopped this madness herself.
@Background Pony #0A6E
Yes i know, she gave it up after banishing Nightmare Moon becuase she had to move the moon, i read the comic here.
But the question is, how did she make them, because that is an alterintive way besides the device. The PEgasi refuse to look and say there is no otherway when clearly there is.
@Prometheus labs CEO
Add in how she refers to Earth Ponies as “Mud ponis” or “Dirt Ponies” and it sets up either the Wheather Factory or all of Cloudsdalebreeds an extreme racist view ofall the other ponies and seeing themselves as superior to them.
……Actually i just thought……If the PEgasus Device was created after Nightmare Moon was banished because before that Celestia controled Rainbows…….how were Rainbows made before then?
Factory keeps insisiting there is no alterantives way to do this yet they were made before The Device……
In the description she goes on to say that “selfish unicorns” are the reason they have to do what they do.
Kinda sounds like a nazi blaming the Jews for economic problems
I get the feeling that if she did a solar flare would come down and incinerate the entirety of cloudsdale
That’s because in this universe, the pegasi community has been getting rid of the “weak” even before there was a Rainbow Factory. It’s their culture.
After Princess Celestia no longer made the rainbows, she assigned the job to the pegasi and their top engineers discovered the method to extract the spectra from the ponies.
This was never reported to Princess Celestia though, so she doesn’t know what goes on in the Rainbow Factory.
Not to mention now that Luna is back princess celestia is perfectly capable of making rainbows again, which raises the question of why hasn’t she stopped this madness herself.
Yes i know, she gave it up after banishing Nightmare Moon becuase she had to move the moon, i read the comic here.
But the question is, how did she make them, because that is an alterintive way besides the device. The PEgasi refuse to look and say there is no otherway when clearly there is.
This place is a lot like a cult.
Princess Celestia used to make the rainbows but she lost that ability a long time ago.
Add in how she refers to Earth Ponies as “Mud ponis” or “Dirt Ponies” and it sets up either the Wheather Factory or all of Cloudsdalebreeds an extreme racist view ofall the other ponies and seeing themselves as superior to them.
……Actually i just thought……If the PEgasus Device was created after Nightmare Moon was banished because before that Celestia controled Rainbows…….how were Rainbows made before then?
Factory keeps insisiting there is no alterantives way to do this yet they were made before The Device……
Kinda sounds like a nazi blaming the Jews for economic problems