Before someone says something…
Yes, I love these two as a couple.
No, I will not stop loving flashlight.
Yes, they are canon in my universe but it is a Ot3 with Twilight.
And yes, Tempest is taller than Flash, because i can.
Now the scars and hairstyles, that’s what they look like in my universe, a older version of them. I only drew them cuz I wanted to explore their relationship. And I wanted an excuse to draw them on a date, with cute clothes and kissus >3<
A sweet, friendly, fun, musical, adorkable, guard pegasus and a tsundere, socially awkward, emotionally repressed, badass, strong, soldier unicorn. Fluffy and Tough my favorite mix for romance.
They are my fav crackship, How did it come to me? It’s like when there are two ship that are the most popular and you cant decide because you love both of them or you like them but the other is your Otp, and it only works if you put them together, I’ll explain with an example: In Star vs the fores of evil, it is a constant war between starco, startom, and sometimes tomco, but for me I love the interaction of those three, their relationship is something wonderful, and I just can not decide, so Ot3 stomco
It’s something like Starlight, Sunsburst and Trixie. I also have many polyships in my universe, and I think that along with other sexual and romantic orientations, polyamorous people should have a positive representation as well.
Constest by ChoralSeashelle
Flash:Probably as many times as I have kissed you in public.
Tempest:You’re lucky you’re cute.
And that’s what I love about it!
That’s what the artist does with this ship, actually.
Oh! Make it a three-way-ship with Twilight!