Anyone pursuing a weapon like this, be extremely careful with it as it does hold the potential to kill your character via fall damage, or if you’re lucky enough, push you high enough that the ceiling resets your character safely to the ground… with a chance of being surrounded by enemies.
You CAN actually. I’ve died several times because of hard impacts, but if you project yourself high enough and out of the ceiling, your character will reset you onto the ground, unharmed. Of course you can take a hellish impact and survive without a single bit of HP lost too. So many factors go into whether you live or die when using the gun, but really it is wicked funny to watch your enemies, allies, and other NPC’s go flying into the abyss since it has no damage to it and doesn’t make allies, and neutral NPC’s hostile towards you, but if they do sustain damage and/or die, still no hostility is drawn towards you and you get the XP from the kill.
Landing inside of one and taking over the minigun would be epic.
With catastrophic fireworks!
I would give my weapons Nerf paint jobs, but eh.
Tactical pony nuke inbound
It would be the best gaming moment of all time if you could make yourself hit a vertibird using that thing.
Going clear across the wasteland was… something. I thought the game was going to CTD a few times when it hit the loading screens. And, as I’m sure you discovered too, the Diamond City ceiling from the outside has a hole in the middle of it, great way to avoid Piper if you have a power armor jet pack as well.