An improved version of the one I’ve made back in 2015, this time in glorious 4K!
For a better quality version click the source link.
Some stats:
» Improving Time: ~2 hours
» Rendering Time: ~6 hours
» Resulting Size: ~36GB (uploaded RAW onto YouTube btw…)
» No Motion Blur
» Preset:
This is still really, really cute but I may just personally like SFM stuff
I would also suggest 128kbps for Opus, 96 really isn’t enough
Hmm… well looks like you used VP9 and Opus audio… can’t get better than that
It still looks decent quality, btw… it still looks sharp… thanks to the 4k res… buuuut… I do see quite a bit of jpeg and at some point your pretty much just lowering the resolution with compression… so it’s not true 4k… maybe not even 1440p
Btw, it doesn’t look that much worse than Youtube.. although, that isn’t saying much
What’s weird is Youtube is like 60mb while this is only 24mb but it doesn’t look much worse… and I think Youtube at least uses somewhat decent compression with VP9
Oh, that. Yep, basically this WEBM here but ayy the quality isn’t as good since I had to compress the shit out of it.
Yeah, you misunderstood me
There’s I-Frames, P-Frames and B-Frames
I-Frames are essentially jpeged images (or in this case, losslessly compressed)… P-Frames and B-Frames just save the changes in the video and can just say “move these pixels this much in this direction” instead of having to re-save every single pixel… which drastically help reduce file size while keeping the same quality
It’s Progressive-frames, not Interlaced.
So pretty much make a video purely of I-frames :P
Hmm… But still, isn’t the PNG files it outputs ridiculously big?
I guess it’ll be recompressed eventually, anyway
Regardless a video purely of I-frames would be massive in file size regardless if SFM actually losslessly compressed the PNGs properly…
Although, probably like a fifth the file size… Seriously, how can re-saving as a BMP actually LOWER the file size? Wtf…
I always render in PNGs and then merge them with AviSynth, else SFM will make the video far darker.
And like the compressed versions are massive but then you put it in a zip folder and it cuts the file size by like a tenth… so really the compressed versions aren’t that great quality.. just massive file size…
I guess you could always render uncompressed and then recompress yourself at a really high quality setting and then upload it… under 300mb for SUPER high quality (for this specific video)
Or if you render a PNG through the program a lot of times it’ll be higher file size than just re-saving it as a BMP… like, wtf?