Also. Tsp. Joey. Don’t get angry. I want to draw this comic to parody all happen days ago xD.
And ey. I’m the final everyone know what happen. Tsp vs Downvote in a final battle to death with “Hide” blasters, downvoteknifes.
Zeb, LightningBolt. Sorry if in the next scenes your ocs will die. At least lighty will fight ultra epic, and zeb… Before die, you will be the most Fabulous zebra :^D
And free feel of dislike. Dislikes are life. Dislikes are love. Tomorrow the next three scenes. Don’t forget to suscribe to the worst comic in the booru :D
And creator of downvote that I don’t remmember your name. Sorry. I attend to imite your style and I draw like shit. Please. Hate me. ;>
Ey. Hilarious in hindsight.
I imagine dawnsong acting like a bitch, but I cannot stop laughing when I write all of that.
Also. Today I attend to fix my old computer and at least upload some art here. At least. I don’t believe I can fix for draw in computer like I want :^<
Downvote: Well, well well… Look WHO is here. “TSP”
Downvote: After all, you… Continue with your smile, so, irony. You know… Like ME do you really think I accept my fate? YOU want to kill me. Then… I decided I’m going to kill ALL of US
Downvote: Do you remmember how everything start?
Dawnsong: SHUT UP BITCH. My brother TSP will delete you, useless shit feature
Downvote: Please! I am not
Dawnsong: SHUT UP
(Imagining Dawn saying that is hilarious to me. I look forward to part 2.)
I will do that… When I buy a computer ;^>
Of at least get the old old old 23 years old computer work again
the picture’s a bit blurry but i can still read it, how bout trying a scanner?