A. Go visit Twilight
B. Go to the corner store.
C. Poop in the road.
It is a test. Comics take a good amount of time to work, so sometimes we want to break it up with this, possibly. So it is a “choose your own” adventure that takes place within the Adorkable Twilight universe. If it is popular, we will change it and make it better over time. We might hold contests that allow certain users to pick outcomes if they win a contest for a short period of time, or even allow someone to choose something completely on their own without constraints of choice! If this isn’t popular, then we will scrap, but lets give it a try on our off days. If you have questions, send me a message.
No worries.
Don’t appreciate that snide comment. Come on man. No need to call me names.
Understood. I will try to improve that condescending tone. Thanks for being respectful.
You don’t need to be so condescending about something that could just be an honest mistake, or lack of clarity in the Derpibooru description, implying we lack “common sense.”
Common sense wise, I would like to think people would look at the source. I would like to hope everyone here looks at the source of these images to support the various artists. I could see how people could get confused, but I would have still liked to hope common sense prevailed. But yeah, I get ya. :)
I am not trying to come off as a jerk. That was the last of my intentions. Don’t appreciate the name.
I voted the exact same string there as here. No call for being such a jackass about this, in any event.
Actually, that’s not what THIS description specifically says. It literally just says, “comments”, not “Tumblr comments.” But, I can see that this description was lifted, with no explanation or clarification whatsoever, directly from the source Tumblr post. Could you allow me the fact that I, and perhaps others who voted on this page, could very easily have gotten confused here?
Right in the description. The comments section of their Tumblr page or via messages on Tumblr. Couldn’t be more clear.
There’s nothing to say they will, either. Someone (not it) should ask them.
Do you see anything here that says the artist will not tally votes here?
Though a part of me want to say C…