This picture is from a video-game created by a Russian artist, 4Kei, known as Six Nights at Pinkie’s 2 . This mod game is based on “Five Nights at Freddy’s 4” involving Pinkie, Sunset, and Fluttershy (as EqG people) haunting the player. The player must fend them off by distracting them with phone calls and shining his torch at them. It is currently under development as a demo game.
This picture may be from a former version of the game, but because of her realistic skin, long green dress, and her unnervingly cute smile, this Fluttershy looks less like a creepy animatronic, but more like a someone more beautiful than the original EqG Fluttershy. Perhaps she looks more like a fairy who lives in a forest, rather than a lost ghost.
I thought that Fluttershy in the picture I poster (wearing a green dress) is as loving as the Fluttershy that hugged Godzilla
looks at picture Aww dats just sweet :3
But she loves you and wants to hug you, right?