I love this little comic, but what is the appropriate tag for a lowercased ‘it’ at the beginning of a sentence? (Panel 5)
Capitalization error but closest I know of is grammar error for an existing tag.
……god damit I just started Two’s Compony Three’s a crowed again, now I have to drop it again just so I can get back to reading this and find this scene!
Emm… How can this rifle be intended to replace the Novasurge one? Specially because The Novasurge was invented after the war ended by the Enclave (In Fo:E universe)?
Meh… I kinda like my M61 Vulcan Cannon… It may be heavy (130 wt) but it dishes out a WORLD of hurt. (from the Modern Weapons mod) And if that ain’t enough hurt, there is the Deathdealer_2016 (another mod) that is so sickenly OP, it is silly-stupid fun!)
Capitalization error but closest I know of is grammar error for an existing tag.
it’s project horizons, somber tramples over the original lore when neccesary
thats the big idea!?!
Still, the AER-9 is way better than the Wattz 2000, especially in New Vegas