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In the Benimaru Itoh comic during the SNES Era, Pepper even mentions having been a sergeant.
And they should feel bad.
And while I allow people to dislike what they will, but who the hell is N*Sync?
the beatles are the best because everyone says so. their songs reach distances and times they never will.
heck i can garanty that in a couple of decades they will still be playing on radio stations.
LOL, if you think Beatles only sang about being hippies and peace and love, I’m sorry to inform you that you don’t know anything about them. Nostalgiafag? Sorry, but bands like Beatles, Queen or Pink Floyd accomplished what they deserved and that’s why they’re remembered, not because we’re “nostalgiafags”. You sound like being mad because your Jazz and Classical isn’t as ‘big’ as Rock. I sure love other genres and appreciate them, but stop being a “hur hur beatles suck because they’re overrated” fag. I know there are musicians that outdo them, so what? They aren’t any smaller than them. Sorry that you live in your “I know what real music is and you don’t” world.
They were middling when they came out, and they still are of middling talent today. You’ve got to be a stoner to be unable to appreciate anything better. Batio, Satrioni, Waters and Malmstein could tear them apart in their sleep.
They were the N*Sync of their day, just accept this and you can rest easier.
Trust me, when the last of the Boomer generation finally dies, the drop in sales will be IMMENSE
Lol, then who sold more than Beatles? Tell me. With that comment, you truly are very far from understanding what The Beatles did, or understand what Rock has accomplished in the history of music. I highly doubt you understand why Sgt. Pepper’s is claimed to be the best album in history. Research a little more about who Beatles were and then come back.
U mad?
Nope, this isn’t “lampshade hanging”, if it was she would point out she might be wrong or something like that.