Hello there again everyone. Just to recap what’s going on. Everyday over on my tumblr@ I’ve been posting everyday a new Christmas, winter, or general holiday themed bbbff style image featuring an MLP character or two. Sadly I’m not posting them everyday here but every eight days I’m posting a collection here. Last time featured days 1-8 and this time we have days 9-16.
For this collection we have a total of 17 characters.
Day 9- The three Pie sisters, Limestone, Maud, and Marble trying something a bit different for this holiday season. They’ve got everything they need for a happy holiday including the traditional Christmas…rock pile?
Day 10- Rarity making a seasonal themed dress with her good friend Coco helping her out.
Day 11- Spike, keeping warm wrapped in a blanket and eagerly reading his newest comic book which was a gift from Twilight.
Day 12- Lyra and Bon Bon spending some time together, ice skating on a frozen lake.
Day 13- Cadance and Shining Armor building snow forts and having a snowball fight.
Day 14- Minutte, Lemon Hearts and Twinkle Shine hanging out and getting ready for a fun skiing adventure.
Day 15- Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich in the process of making a gingerbread house.
Day 16- Cheerilee got a bit more than she bargained for when she agreed to go on a movie date with Big McIntosh. Not exactly Christmas but as we know, Star Wars opening day is truly this year’s most important holiday.