This is a little event I come up for all my patron to have some fun. It’s a story of young hybrid pony-changeling who try to find her father.
This is “Your Decide Picture series”. Or I call it “Comment Driven Story”. All of patrons will decide what happens in this story.
If you don’t know what is “Comment Driven Story” See this “Moonstuck” as the example
This series is free to read for all of you in every time it reach 5 pages. But if you want the chance to comment and decide the action of young queen. You can join by being my patron. “All” of patrons can join this event. Even you give just 1$ per month you still can join this and get early access on this series!!
Have fun to watch my young queen journey. Everyone! XD
My Patron :
Not all plants are of the same species. It’s probably just from some tree or another, not a timber wolf part.
It actually rather bugs me that plant-creatures in fiction are often portrayed as getting offended by humans (or creatures that serve the same function in-story as humans) using plants of completely different species for food or materials. Plenty of animals eat other animals, and humans use leather and other animal-derived materials. Why should plants be different?
hmm point taken but I may be thinking along the lines of a dog using another dog’s actual bone but that maybe splitting hairs just for a point that doesn’t matter.
idunno, regular dogs have bones inside them too don’t they?