@Dono & M.Storm
She emits a flash and opens her eyes. They are glowing pure white. Suddenly he feels sleepy. Not like yawn im tired but like a cant fall asleep fast enough tired.*
@Dono & M.Storm
*The last thing he sees before falling asleep is Starflight passing out. He gets pulled into a strange dream everything is white. It seems to go on forever. Starflight appears in there as well.
@Dono & M.Storm
Starflight: no. I would rather be here. I never get a choice. Watch. She takes a step and color floods through the world. It eventually forms a new world. He sees another pony here.
Starflight: Hello.
???: Oh. Hello. Nice to see you again.
@Dono & M.Storm
???: My name is lightningrod. Pleased to meet you.
Starflight: Golden fire is a good friend of mine. He fixed my horn.
Lightningrod: Thats wonderful!
@Dono & M.Storm
Lightningrod: At the moment. they are in a field surrounded by woods.
Starflight: Lightningrod is also a good friens of mine. I get pulled into his dreams often.