the flash sentry debat thread

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Background Pony #528D
this thread is for discussing flash sentry and wither or not he’s any good.
Background Pony #D767
The truth is that Flash Sentry as a character will never be more interesting than he currently is. To understand the why, you have to ask yourself something; why does Flash exist? What was the goal this character was meant to fulfill?
Every character has a goal, some more vague and open-ended than others. Twilight was the clever leader, Rarity was the pompous fashionista and artist, Rainbow Dash was the brazen athlete, Applejack the simple farmer, Pinkie the crazy party girl, and Fluttershy the nature loving shy girl. These are the core aspects of these characters, the tropes that define them and follow them no matter how much they change. What is Flash then? He’s the ideal dreamboat.
The problem with Flash’s premise is that it’s exceedingly shallow and the concept doesn’t lend itself to a lot of depth or spontaneity. He is highly idealized, with his description summing to ‘handsome guy with a soft side’ who is just imperfect enough to be adorable. This is because at his core, Flash was only intended to be a love interest, and that’s all the writers want from him. They don’t care about making people like him for other reasons, because what they want you to root for is the FlashLight romance, not Flash Sentry, and within that realm because Flash is so idealized to begin with, he has no reason to grow; he offers nothing in his intended role that you couldn’t get anywhere else.
Now, as we’ve established that Flash is a dead-end ship, you might be wondering why he couldn’t find use elsewhere? Ignoring the fact that as I said the writers have no intention of emphasizing Flash beyond that point, you also have to consider that the only things Flash lends himself to besides that are periphery elements of his character, meant to emphasize his status as “dreamy” rather than to be taken seriously.
His status as a royal guard in pony world is purely circumstantial. The writers didn’t want him to be a soldier for the sake of writing a soldier, they wanted it as a means to a few ends; putting Flash in close proximity to Twilight within a castle, while also making him a literal knight in shining armor. His status as a royal guard is only as important as it needed to be to get him close to a princess, and let’s be honest, if he were a servant that just wouldn’t feel quite so dreamy, though it would certainly be a great deal more interesting. This is not to say the writers couldn’t focus on his status as a soldier of course, but the truth is that we’d see so little of Flash Sentry in such a capacity that it wouldn’t really have any point unless the ponies fought more regularly than two or three episodes a season. Even then, Flash Sentry wouldn’t change. He’d still be idealized, it’s just then he could add ‘fighter’ on top of ‘pretty boy soldier with a protagonist crush.’
Basically, imagine Shining Armor as he is, and then you get Flash Sentry. At best, Flash would become this.  
So, I suppose the ultimate question is this; can Flash Sentry be fixed?
Maybe, but the truth is that character development would not be enough. To fix what’s wrong with Flash, you’d have to subvert what hurts him as a character. As much as his fans deny it, Flash has most of the trappings of a Gary Stu - he appears to be fairly popular within his school, he’s a musician, handsome, dresses like a bad boy, and the protagonist crushes on him for no reason. These are the things that hurt him, and to fix him, you’d have to undermine them when it doesn’t directly contradict canon. Maybe he has trouble with big words, or maybe he has derpy-grade clumsiness (though as Derpy is already the clumsy one that might not work), or maybe his popularity is a misinterpretation and he’s really the guy nobody likes, something. The sad truth is, fixing what is wrong with Flash cannot be achieved by idealizing him further.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
@Background Pony #C674  
You seem more interested in looking for ways to to say he’s too bland and uninteresting more than actually bringing up ways to make him interesting. I can count on my fingers how many times you brought up ways to give him depth and they’re very few compared to the times you keep saying how much of a “dead-end” character he is.
Why don’t you read this:
We’re trying to MAKE him interesting, not look for more ways to say he’s “too bland to develop”.
Seriously, your comment didn’t add anything aside from stating what already knew and saying the same thing in different ways with barely anything positive coming up.
Background Pony #D767
What’s the saying? You “can’t polish a turd?”
There’s not a lot you can do with Flash to make him interesting, and what you can do would not go over with his fans, as I’ve explained, because the things they like about him are the things everyone else hates about him.
Background Pony #D767
Also, your “interesting facts” do nothing but further solidify what I said. He is heavily idealized and has just enough flaw to be adorable. Congradulations, Flash has character traits that can be found in just about every other character in the show.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
@Background Pony #C674
Tell me, does a pony with an animation error on her eyes saying “muffins” once impact her popularity in the whole series? How does not seeing a young pegasus’ parents automatically make her an orphan? How does one pony sitting differently make her a human-obsessed conspiracy theorist? How does a DJ having a two-second appearance suddenly mean she’s dating that one mare from the Gala episode? How does one mare drinking from a punch bowl automatically make her an alcoholic? How does one foal looking slightly like another pony make them their sibling?
Do I need to go on? Bottom line, as Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started, so to whine about Flash being bland is not only lazy, but also hypocritical.
@Background Pony #C674
And…? The same can be said for any other BG/side character that exists in the show.
And that’s your problem, you’re a quitter. You give up the moment you hit the first speed bump.
Plus you pretty much have no case to rest considering that all you do is loop back to the exact same argument without adding anything new or trying to come up with an idea to fix the problem aside from “pretend it’s not there”.
Here’s your argument:
He’s too bland.
He’s a walking cliche.
Giving him a personality would make him a walking self-insert.
…and then every time an idea to make him better is brought up you just go in a circle, repeating the exact same thing over and over again.
So maybe if you got off your high horse and stepped out of your glass house, you’d actually contribute something useful to the table.
Background Pony #D767
Comparing Derpy and Flash is like apples and oranges. They’re completely different scenarios, and you can’t do with Flash what you did with Derpy for a few reasons, not least of which is that Derpy was an accident, while Flash was just a mistake.
If all you’re getting is that he is too bland and cliche then you’re really not listening to my argument. Flash is a character who literally offers nothing to the series as a whole. The writers made him for a pointless crush. They don’t want to do anything else with him, because he wasn’t intended to fulfill any other purpose.
You’re the only one stepping on a high horse, I’m just explaining the facts from a standpoint of a critic who knows how character writing works.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
@Background Pony #C674  
Calling him a “mistake” hows just how shallow you’re being. As Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started, so to whine about Flash being bland is not only lazy, but also hypocritical. We come from a fandom where we can take a character that sits differently and make her into a human obsessed nut, a character with an animation error on her eyes and make her into a muffin obsessed ditz, a DJ that had less than two seconds of screentime and make her a party animal that’s dating that one mare from the gala episode, or that one gaming colt that had a two second cameo and make him Sweetie Belle’s love interest.
Heck we do it to main characters like Rainbow Dash, Luna, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Everyone assumes that Scoots is an orphan, Sweetie Belle is Button Mash’s special somepony, Luna is a binge gamer, and Rainbow Dash is a lesbian with a cider addiction. If we can nitpick and speculate about various characters in the franchise and give them their own personality or add onto their character then Flash is no exception. Him being “bland” is just a petty excuse used by lazy hypocrites who are too stubborn to be imaginative when it comes to this character.
Flash wasn’t the main character and his scenes were only a few minutes long. Yet you’re acting like he should’ve been given an episode’s worth of backstory.
I can point out SEVERAL BG/side-ponies who had a few lines and/or screentime (before the 100th episode): Thunderlane, Cloud Chaser, Bulk Biceps, Bonbon, Carrot Top, Colgate, Caramel… just to name a few. And they weren’t “gradually developed”, they were given more appearances throughout the series, WE gave them that development, hence why the 100th episode was made. Flash Sentry has just as much potential as any “fanon-fueled BG ponies”, and the problem is that people like you can’t be bothered to acknowledge it because it’s easier just to hate him and use the same old excuse to continuously hate on him like everyone else.
And at least I’m bringing up SOMETHING to work off of instead of giving up and acting there’s nothing that can be used to give him more personality. If you’re seriously gonna ignore all that and default back to the your “he’s bland” argument, then your basic defense is nothing short of this:
“He’s got no character.”
“Well why don’t we give him one?”
“He’s too bland.”
“Well, what about [insert character trait here]?”
“That doesn’t count.”
We come from a fandom where we can take a character that sits differently and make her into a human obsessed nut, a character with an animation error on her eyes and make her into a muffin obsessed ditz, a DJ that had less than two seconds of screentime and make her a party animal that’s dating that one mare from the gala episode, or that one gaming colt that had a two second cameo and make him Sweetie Belle’s love interest.
And yet when one character pops up and ends up being the object of the main character’s affections he suddenly “bland” and the bane of the fandom’s existence? Yeah, NO. FUCK. THAT.
Tell me Marble Pie’s character outside of being “Earth Pony Fluttershy”, show me Bulk Biceps attitude outside of “muscular dunce”, tell me Lightning Dust’s personality outside of “more arrogant Rainbow Dash”, tell me what characteristics Diamond Tiara had outside of “school bully”, hell they manged to “fix” HER, so how is it impossible to do the same for Flash?
Flash DOES have personality that can be used, and he DOES have a few character traits and flaws, and those CAN be used to give hr more depth as a character, even if it’s only a little, the little can go a long way.
Bottom-Line: Flash-hate is pointless, hypocritical, and just plain STUPID. And if you can’t be mature and stop looking for excuses to talk shit about him on a forum meant to bring out some POSITIVE aspects for him then you don’t belong here.
If we’ve made all this and more as a fandom, then giving one character some interesting personality traits based on the info in the link above and more IS. NOT. IMPOSSIBLE. Saying it is and that he’s a lost cause isn’t a fact, it’s being LAZY. A word that I believe you, a WRITER, DO NOT want to be associated with.
ShadowBolt Platinum

Don't lose your way!
I hope that one of three Equestria Girls specials airing next year gives Flash Sentry more focus. I hate that he was Demoted To Extra after Friendship Games.
Background Pony #D767
You spend more time trying to insult me by calling me shallow than actually thinking about what I’m saying. You haven’t actually told me why anything I said is Bullshit, you just argue that fans made other characters great, so they can do it with Flash too. There’s a few problems I have with that.
The first one is that, once again, you keep ignoring the fact that Flash and the background characters are two completely different scenarios. Characters like Derpy, like Octavia, they were not intended to be true characters. They were circumstantial. They had one unique quirk or trait that fans picked up on, and they liked them. They didn’t need to be fixed, the fans liked them for who they already were, and they liked them because they were quirky, fun, and unique. Flash Sentry is the exact opposite. He was a major character from his inception, and the writers wanted us to love him for the FlashLight romance, for which he was made cute and nice. The staff call him Dreamy Cutebottom because that is what he represents to them.
The second problem is that you’re taking the burden of fixing what’s wrong with Flash from the writers and instead putting it on the fans. The fans didn’t fix broken characters, they took characters with interesting quirks or traits and ran with them. These characters gained love because they were interesting to begin with. Flash isn’t interesting at all, and you’re tasking fans with fixing that.
Finally, I don’t know what you think you achieve by saying all my argument is that he is “lame” and “boring” considering your argument is only “let the fans fix him” and “either like him or shut up.” This is a thread for debating Flash Sentry, so if you don’t want to hear me talk about how terrible Flash is as a character then you shouldn’t be here.
If you feel so strongly that fans have already fixed Flash, then please, by all means, give me the proof. But do me a favor, if you’re going to link me to a fan fiction, give me the exact pages where your point is proven, because I’m not about to read an entire fan fic to prove your point. I’m going to be fair and warn you right now that I’ve read a lot of Flash Sentry fan fics, and that I don’t consider a sense of justice or being an extremely competent royal guard interesting.
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Lord of the Empty Seat
@Background Pony #C674  
Because I’ve heard the exact same excuse over and over, and I’ve already pointed out why everything you’ve said is BS.
First of all, Flash is a supporting character at best and a BG character at worst. So no, his situation is no different from any other side-character. Also, if the 100th episode showed us anything, it’s that the staff at least acknowledges things like that.
Second, There’s the fact that as Bronies we’ve been nitpicking small aspects of several characters and giving them their own personalities since the show started. We didn’t just take characters with interesting quirks or traits and run with them, we gave them said quirks and traits. Heck, we do it to main characters like Rainbow Dash, Luna, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle. Everyone assumes that Scoots is an orphan, Sweetie Belle is Button Mash’s special somepony, Luna is a binge gamer, and Rainbow Dash is a lesbian with a cider addiction. If we can nitpick and speculate about various characters in the franchise and give them their own personality or add onto their character then Flash is no exception. Him being “bland” is just a petty excuse used by lazy hypocrites who are too stubborn to be imaginative when it comes to this character. And as I’ve showed you with the earlier link, Flash can be made interesting when certain aspects are brought up, that’s not “tasking fans with fixing that”, it’s giving them material to works with to make him more interesting.
Third, That fact is that you simply accepted the idea that being bland is all Flash is meant to be, even though he’s basically as much of a blank slate that can be given a personality like as any other BG/supporting character. Again, Bronies have been given taking something small and make something big from it. Unlike haters like you who keep complaining about the exact same thing over and over without trying to see it from a different point of view, at least those of us have the maturity to adapt and compromise instead of just taking everything at face value and complaining about how he shouldn’t exist and how he deserves to be treated like the fandoms cancer.
Fourth and final, Flash DOES have personality that can be used, and he DOES have a few character traits and flaws, and those CAN be used to give hr more depth as a character, even if it’s only a little, the little can go a long way. And I’ll say it again, we give him trait by looking through ALL scenarios and possibilities, not just the ones we WANT to.
BTW, if he’s “worthless” then why are you wasting your time why even waste your breath hating on the character when you could be hating on a character who actually deserves it? At least characters like Glademsne, Blueblood, Spoiled Rich, and Svengallop did something to WARRANT the fandom’s hatred. Flash? He exists.
Bottom Line: Flash-hate is pointless, hypocritical, and just plain STUPID.
Oh, and those fanfics you asked for?
(I suggest you check more of Jay-the-Brony’s work. He does a good job with giving Flash more characterization even when he’s not the main focus of one of the stories.)
And one last thing, I suggest you chat with paulysentry:
She’s got quite a rep for convincing Flash-haters that he’s not a horrible character
Background Pony #7525
Because, as you can see, talking about him divolves into drama and complains, all the freaking time, admit it, he was a mistake.

@Background Pony #BEB6
I’ve noticed…and I was going to make the “Flash Sentry was a mistake” argument anyways. lol
I’ve yet to encounter someone who likes Flash for legitimate reasons. It’s always just personal “I like him cause he’s cool and stuff” and try to justify why he’s not totally useless with nothing but speculations and stretched logic.
Background Pony #7525
If you want something positive, see what mauroz did with flash cliche in his comic, he fixed everything wrong with him.
ShadowBolt Platinum

Don't lose your way!
I never really had a problem with Flash Sentry. He really needs to sing next time her appears, Vincent Tong is a good singer and Flash Sentry has a band (Flash Drive).

I’ve heard about Vincent opinions, hell I’ve heard them directly from him to me when I flat out told him to his face I wasn’t a fan of Flash Sentry despite my admiration for Vincent’s talent and personality. We have our disagreements but we both respect each other’s opinions about his character.
Look, you can say a character “has” potential but that isn’t an endorsement of greatness. A ham sandwich has the potential to be a 5-Star meal, but if you just place it alone of a plate and serve it to someone with the flat endorsement of “potential”, that doesn’t suddenly make the sandwich an amazing meal. Flash is exactly that, nothing but a boring piece of ham on plain white bread. You can talk about how amazing he can be if you dress him up with extra toppings and fixings, but that doesn’t change what he actually is right in front of you.
Sure, you can make the argument that he’s just trying to be a good guy, but who isn’t? Who isn’t just trying to be a nice person? Aside form outwardly dastardly and unfeeling people, everyone tries to be a good person. Problem is, when everyone tires to be the same thing, that no longer stand out as a noticeable trait. It’s white noise, in one ear and out the other. And that is how I see him. Flat, uninteresting, cardboard that simply acts like every “good guy trying to be good” I’ve seen in basically everything entertainment based ever.
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