Crazy Headcanons

The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Segmentation Fault
Princess Celestia doesn’t actually raise the sun, she leeches energy from it like a parasite to sustain her immortality, same with Luna, this causes severe damage to the celestial bodies and will cause problems in the future.
Prince Blueblood’s douchery at the gala was due to a misunderstanding when princess Celestia told him to ‘liven things up’.
… that’s all I can remember at 4 in the morning.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

A couple I’ve heard here and there, and a few of my own insane theories/headcanons:
Discord is a corrupted version of Starswirl. (already mentioned, I know, but just with the added plausibility of corruption like Luna -> NmMoon)
Parasprites are Changeling newborns/nymphs.
There are tons more Alicorns that mostly stay out of the way/in hiding so as to not create confusion with the (now 4) main princesses. These other alicorns control/manage other elements and aspects such as time and gravity and other general ways that ponies harness their world. Ponies such as Prince Blueblood could potentially be these hidden alicorns (And in Blueblood’s case, he could be, say, the alicorn of self-pride and/or general douchebaggery) wherein they would make their wings or horn invisible, if not completely disguising themselves with magic.
Spike is actually part of a royal dragon bloodline, but is being kept hidden for his own safety.
The CMC (and friends?) are destined to be the next generation of Element wielders after the mane 6.
Bloomberg is actually the real best pony. (That’s the craziest headcanon I’ve ever found)
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One thing I’ve always believe. The obstacles they encountered during episode two while looking for the element wasn’t caused by NMM but by the element themselves as a trial. After all, it’s way too convenient for them that they faced problems related to each elements to be just a coincidence and NMM had no interest in creating events that would allow Twilight and her friends to controls them. It’s a little weak for truth become it’s not closely related to a cliff but the other were more obvious especially loyalty.
Of course there could be other explanation like NMM having some good in her that lead her to created those challenges unconsciously or imagining that kindness wasn’t a solution for the manticore could have fooled her, but I like the idea of self-aware elements because it could also explain why the elements could choose to work differently on different occasions despite having no apparent user’s input.

Of course there could be other explanation like NMM having some good in her that lead her to created those challenges unconsciously
…that’s actually somewhat likely, considering what they’ve revealed about the Nightmare. Also, considering they’re called the Elements of HARMONY, I would imagine they would just perform whatever function would maximize harmony, including none at all if the user attempts to use them for evil.
Lunar Supporter - Helped forge New Lunar Republic's freedom in the face of the Solar Empire's oppressive tyrannical regime (April Fools 2023).
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The element could also had a system of their own that trial everyone who search them. It would made them way more practical and have the merit of being ready for any situations instead of relying on a possible villain unconscious desires for redemption or random circumstances to show the specific qualities required by their holders.
I just watched it again to test my idea, and The shadowbolt were claiming to be related to the everfree forest, not NMM, and they might be a complete illusion to test RD. Another possibility is that it was planned by NMM or any other evil force as a way to make them act against their element, like Rarity keeping her tail, Fluttershy too afraid to be kind to the manticore… but honesty as the quality coming from nowhere is a rather weak argument in both scenarios.

Octavia has a terrible voice. Despite being an amazing cellist, she can’t sing to save her life. Or talk for that matter. If you’ve ever seen the movie “Singin’ in the Rain” I imagine her voice being like Lina’s.
(I came up with this headcanon after the fans went crazy assuming Octavia would have a great voice and demanding a duet with Octavia and Rarity.)
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Witch Dagger!
Derpy is rather intelligent despite being a bit clumsy due to her wall eyes.
(I had this ever since people went on about Derpy being a retard/idiot because of her eyes)
Also, whenever she gets very serious or angry, her eyes go straight and, when she calms down, they go back to normal.
Vinyl Scratch has several demos of her playing with Octavia where Vinyl sings and Octavia plays.

…yeah, clearly “honesty” was kind of a cowlick. Even something like “dependability” would have fit better. (…come to think of it, didn’t the first season digi-destined turn out to have something similar going on?)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Watcher of the Watchmen
Trixie’s talent is magical items, but suffers from a prolonged bout of Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome stemming from an incident in her youth that nearly killed her. As a result, she tends to shy away from crafting personal magical items, occasionally letting it vent when she makes fireworks or speccing out her caravan. As a result, by the time Boast Busters rolled around, she was in the habit of goading oversensitive audience attendees into showing off their stuff so she could incorporate it into her act and possibly fill the gap inside her. By the time Magic Duel came up, she was desperate enough to go back to her talent by using it to track down the amulet.
Also, one of the first things she did was use the amulet to acquire a huge quantity of gems from an abandoned mine to build up her wealth. As part of a plea deal that kept her from going to jail, she was allowed to keep a small percentage of the wealth while donating the rest to Ponyville and garnishing any future wages. She also waved her right to sue/prosecute Carrot Top, Bon Bon, and the other Ponyvillians who stalked her across Equestria and only let up when, say, Discord’s Second Reign obliterated her tracks.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Contrary to popular fandom belief, neither Twilight or Cadance are actually immortal like Celestia and Luna, and will have to undergo more trials and tests before fully becoming like C and L. (And such a process will also allow for Shining and whoever [if anyone] might get shipped with Twi to join in on the immortality change)
Changelings are not immortal, but they do stop aging after a certain point. From then on, their bodies will get more and more riddled with holes and cuts until they simply fall apart. (So extremely old changelings would typically be either very fragile or missing a limb or two)
Twilight’s ‘new’ magic is the antithesis to Dark Magic: a magic that is fueled by feelings love and friendship, rather than only a pony’s plain, inner power, and a counter to Dark Magic’s fuel of hatred and fear.
Windigoes are the “vengeful spirits” of the pony world, feeding on the hatred of living ponies and attacking them in more paranormal ways.
Princess Platinum, Chancellor Puddinghead, and Commander Hurricane are still frozen in some random cave up in the north near the Crystal Empire, cartoonishly preserved so they could potentially be revived and see what ponykind has become without them.
And now for the crazy one:  
Celestia is secretly Rainbow Dash’s mother. “Rainbow Dad” had a fling with the princess and later was given custody of RD as Celestia thought it would be too difficult to raise a child while ruling Equestria.
Background Pony #A6D6
Twilight Sparkle and Shining Armor are the children of Sombra and Cadence.
Background Pony #A6D6
I was inspired by Oedipus. And here is another one: Celestia and Luna are the daughters of Sombra but the mother’s name has been lost to history.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

Watcher of the Watchmen
Celestia and Luna are half-sisters. That’s why people always refer to ponies as Celestia’s niece/nephew, as opposed to Celestia and Luna’s niece/nephew.
There are ponies who try to live differently from their Cutie Marks, but will lie about it claiming their Cutie Marks are some metaphor for their chosen primary lifestyle because they face stigma similar to the LGBT community. Cherilee is in fact an adept florist.
Fixing Twilight’s destiny-changing spell with these ponies would be particularly hard to deal with since these people are actually content with their chosen lifestyles.
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The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

yes but a CM does predetermine their life to a certain extent.
Rarity’s gem CM isn’t going to get her into Magic School for example (or maybe it will but you get my point)
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

You’re reversing cause and effect. Rarity isn’t going to magic school because she isn’t interested in it. Her cutie mark is reflecting what she is interested in.
The interests and desires cause the cutie mark to appear, not the other way around. Ponies are completely capable of taking jobs and hobbies that are unrelated to the things that caused their cutie mark to appear, it’s just that they rarely have the desire to do so.
The End wasn't The End - Found a new home after the great exodus of 2012

That’s the reverse of cause and effect, actually. They rarely have the desire to take any jobs or hobbies that deviates from their cutie marks because, and I quote, “It’s what [their] cutie mark is telling [them]”.  
They can do it, but that’s where the fandom-wide theory of “Cutie Mark Failure Insanity Syndrome” comes in. Because you’re right, they’re not forced to conform to their “destinies”, but it will eventually drive them to doing non-sensible things.  
And if were so simple as, “It’s what they’re interested in,” then the CMC would have gotten their marks on day 1, rather than having to try out every little thing that they have even the tiniest interest in.
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