Because this was the first one, I found myself fiddling a lot bit with the pattern on the back. Looks fine “naked,” but I wanted to better-incorporate Fluttershy’s colors, so I created a diamond pattern… which felt lazy, so I spent some hours attempting to make a “butterfly” pattern (thus incorporating her cutie mark as well) until I found one which works :3
Enjoy all 3 versions! :D
By “ideas of what to do with the other 4”, do you mean for how they should physically look, or what sort of pose and whatnot they should be in? Cause if it’s the former, then maybe you can get some inspiration from the other variants of Viper that got introduced in Xcom Chimera Squad?
That’s a good question, actually. Like a lot of things, it got forgotten in the cloudy ruins known as “2020,” but it’s a project I’d like to finish at some point. I just need ideas of what to do with the other 4 of the Mane 6.
Well, you can try. She’ll probably retreat into her snek ball with a smol hiss. XD
without the introduction of pony DNA…
She’s supposed to be a Viper from the game X-COM 2. They have some human traids.
Honest question
Don’t get too close to her though, she very ssssssssshy!