@Background Pony #D878
You either don’t know her very well, or just don’t pay attention. Rainbow has always been girly. She has worn fancy dresses on many occasions, and she never had any objection to it. She would love to wear something like that. The only time she showed any objection at all was in Swarm of the Century, and she was not objecting to Rarity’s fancy getup at all. She was just impatient, and getting antsy because Rarity was taking too long. Rarity even asked her “Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?”, then Rainbow immediately sat back down.
Rainbow would LOVE to wear something like that. The “Rainbow hates girly things” is nothing but a dumb fandom meme. There’s pretty much zero truth to it.
You either don’t know her very well, or just don’t pay attention. Rainbow has always been girly. She has worn fancy dresses on many occasions, and she never had any objection to it. She would love to wear something like that. The only time she showed any objection at all was in Swarm of the Century, and she was not objecting to Rarity’s fancy getup at all. She was just impatient, and getting antsy because Rarity was taking too long. Rarity even asked her “Do you want to look nice for Princess Celestia or not?”, then Rainbow immediately sat back down.
Cause she doesn’t like it she isn’t a gIrlY giRl
♪Rainbow Dash always dresses in style.♪
Why do you think she doesn’t like it?
Jk and nice art