Discord: “Do I look like I’m from around here?”
Rick: “So what’s your angle?”
Discord: “I mainly torment balding yet handsome starship captains. You?”
Rick: “I had my ex girlfriend assimilate a giraffe once”.
Discord: “Are you hitting on me?”
Rick: “Maybe.”
Discord: “Tell me more, strange yet alluring ape creature. And keep the drinks coming”.
You do realize it’s a crack ship, right? Not meant to be taken seriously.
Spike ftw.
But who is best Morty?
My guess either Spike or Fluttershy.
Terrifying, but perfect.
Poor Flutters and Morty are probably hanging around, waiting for these two to stop getting yay-faced.
He’s seen coming out of a room with a man and woman and he has his arms around both while dressed in a kinky Mexican outfit. The giraffe was in the same episode.
Oh i don’t remember that incident. I just took the fact that he preferred when Unity was woman, but pansexual makes sense.
Rick is pansexual. Canonically. Also there was a questionable incident with a giraffe…