“When Ah was a li’l girl, i really liked ponies.
I used to play with them and pretended to be one of them.
Granny Smith said i could easily be mistaken for one of them.
So they started to call me “Background Pony” and it became my family nickname.
Apple Bloom likes to call me that when she believes that i’m getting conceited.
Well, but such is family. You’ve got to accept the sweet and the sour.”
From a Dia de los Inocentes (December’s Fools Day) comic
@Background Pony #96F8
You are my new god now Señor Vree
That sounds like the beginning to one damn good fanfic, well done sir.
Y esto es extra-maravilloso.
Every other one of my co-stars have been visibly special from day one…Even Fluttershy, even if she did not know it, but everyone else knew. Twilight had her magic, RD her courage and speed, Rarity was beautiful, and Pinkie was, well, extra special.
I used to watch them from afar, hoping to one day appear in the crowd behind in one of their scenes.
When the latter came from Celestia that I’ve been selected as main character, everybody in the family could hardly believe it. Granny was so happy, she even bought me this hat.