For those who dont know, Cadance was originally a pegasus before she ascended to alicorn status, according to one of the official books.
I imagine she had some growing pains, having suddenly sprouted a horn and magical abilities.
Sketch is a bit sloppy, but it gets the idea across
“From one to another, another to one. A mark of one’s destiny singled out alone, fulfilled.”
— Star Swirl the Bearded’s unfinished spell that switched their cutie marks.
“From all of us together, together we are friends. With the marks of our destinies made one, there is magic without end.” — Twilight’s revision of Star Swirl the Bearded’s spell
Seems to me like she re-wrote the thing and made it mean almost the opposite.
She had to write the rest of the incantation, remember?
And yeah, it doesn’t.
“Only slightly more engaging than Twilight finishing a book that was 99.9% done”
Errr… Twilight didn’t just finish the spell, she re-wrote completely, thus creating new magic.
“love power”
Errr, so she just happened to be a pegasus that could use magic? Makes no sense to me.
In the books, she, as a young pegasus, managed to use her love power to reverse an evil witch’s love-draining spell, and afterwards, she exploded and was taken to the place Celestia promotes alicorns. Or you could read it here. Only slightly more engaging than Twilight finishing a book that was 99.9% done.
Also, the pegasus theory makes no sense to me. Becoming an alicorn takes a huge feat of magic, so how would a pegasus be able to do it?
Meh, I just take it as extra material that doesn’t affect the show in any way. Much of this extra material the show staff doens’t seem to even read.
For supplementary materials, developments are basically canon until the show overrules it. So, yeah, Pegasus Oprhan Cadance is her canon backstory.
Are the books canon then? I didn’t think so.
Nah, pegasus.
Might not be used to horn stuff just yet.
It’s less of a ‘theory’ and more of ‘canon.’
must not laugh
must not laugh
must not laugh