In case you can’t tell I am purely against the idea that Pegasi can use magic; it’s physically impossible! The worst part? Many people believe that magic is what makes a pegasus fly. BULLSHIT! They’ve got wings, they don’t need magic! The only creatures in Equestria that should be able to use magic are Unicorns and Alicorns. NOT Pegasi, NOT Earth Ponies, JUST Unicorns and Alicorns!
How else would you explain the ability of pegasi to walk on clouds, if not magic? That was introduced during Lauren’s tenure.
Even ignoring the cloud-walking, Lauren never stated that she didn’t intend her idea of magic being inherent in all ponies to become canon. With statements like this, it’s pretty clear that that’s simply how she envisioned it working - period - and that, as showrunner and the prime authority for the rules of the MLP world, she made no separation between her “headcanon” and show canon. The only reason it didn’t come up in-show during her tenure was that they never made a story that called for it.
Note, however, that in the comment I linked above, she makes it clear that she didn’t envision the different types of ponies being able to express their magic in the same way. It is, as you say, “physically impossible” for a pegasus to perform the kind of magic that a unicorn does.
But she never intended for that idea `bout “inherent magic” to be canon, did she?
I’m sorry, it’s just that this idea still bugs me.
No, it’s successor flew. This one broke in half before it ever got off the ground.
The person who designed these things wasn’t a fool, either. He just lived before aerodynamics and a lot of modern structural design were well understood. He designed and built the best wind tunnel of his generation. And he is actually the person who proved that thick, curved airfoils produce lift, and produce more lift than thin curves (like a piece of kite fabric), though it was mathematically proposed that thicker airfoils were better before he actually tested it.
Please explain how pegasi fly with impossibly-small wingspans, then. And how they walk on clouds. And why you’re right and Lauren Faust is wrong about all ponies having inherent magic.
Nice trolololo there… wait were you being serious because then I might have to laugh even harder.
What I meant by “Physically Impossible” was that it’s physically impossible for pegasi to use magic. Why? Because pegasi don’t have horns.
That thing actually did fly, btw.
Try telling that to a Formula 1 engineer.
Bingo. Everyone go to another image now.
(thinking of Dash doing doggy paddle in the air)
Exactly. Though it’d be hilarious to see them “swim” through the sky with their hooves.
Pegusi wings would be to small to actually create lift without beating at incredible speed so magic is needed.
However just like unicorns need a horn pegusi would also need conductor for their magic and what better conductor/orchestrator for flight could you ask for then wings?
In short the magic acts like wing amplifiers,
No magic = no amplification = no flight
No wings = nothing to amplify = no flight
You gotta have both.
The key element we’re missing is… thrust!