But as the morning dawned after her trying said brew all the filly wanted was a quick, merciful death. Applebloom woke up with of a screaming headache, blurry vision, an angry stomach, and a foul tasting mouth. It was later than when the filly normally woke up in the morning. After several minutes of lying there the filly finally flopped out of her bed and staggered off to the bathroom.
After many minutes she exited the bathroom only to find Stone Mane leaning against a wall in the hallway. By the look in his eyes the colt felt as miserable as she did. He then staggered into bathroom himself. The filly was considering crawling back into bed when her big sister came up the stairs. Instead of her usually smiling face Applejack the mare gave the filly a rather serious expression.
“Yer’s and Stone’s breakfast is ready fer ya. Come on down and eat it. Then we’ve gotta have a chat.” Then she promptly turned around and trotted down the stairs.
Reluctantly the filly made her way down the stairs with wobbly legs. Waiting for her was some buttered toast, a glass of water, cup of tea, and a tin of foalsmane leaves. Applejack was taking care of some bookkeeping and didn’t acknowledge the filly’s arrival. Not feeling very chatty herself the filly started eating the food in front of her while washing down several foalsmane leaves. A few minutes later Stone Mane came down and silently started eating his food as well.
As the 2 foals finished up their breakfast Applejack got up and trotted to the front door. She opened it and gave a series of sharp whistles. Then she closed the door and went into the kitchen. A few seconds later she returned and sat down at the table. After a bit Big Macintosh came trotting in and Granny Smith slowly came out of the kitchen. They all sat down around table and looked at the foals. AJ was the first to speak.
“Stone. Normally I would I expect yer kin ta talk ta ya what happened yesterday, but since yer aunt and uncle r’ all the way in Baltimare, and this all happened on r’ land, we reckon.” AJ looked at Big Mac and Granny and then back the colt. “We would talk ta ya as well.”
The mare leaned forward. “Now what we wanna know is how ya 2 got inta the shed, and what happened after that. Besides the fact ya 2 were drunk as skunks yesterday”