Rainbow Dash has pranked Applejack by adding a Poison Joke in her applejuice. Now she has her trapped in a jar, much to Applejack’s annoyance… xD
MLP Rainbow Dash (Wink) Plz “Gotcha!”
Applejack (angry) plz “Come on, Rainbow Dash! Tis here ain’t funny!”
MLP Rainbow Dash (Winking 2) Plz “Now I’m gonna take you home! Place you on my night stand next to my bed!”
MLP Applejack (Aw Horseapples) Plz “Wut?”
- Rainbow Dash Planning Something Evil (Emoticon) “Ooh, we’re going to have so much fun…”
iconapplejackshockedplz: “NOOOOO!!”
MLP Rainbow Dash (Laughing) Plz “Bwa ha ha ha! Gotcha again! Relax “Applesnack”, I’m just joking.”
Applejack (Absolutely not!) “…Not funny.”
MLP Rainbow Dash (Assuring) Plz “Heh… Sorry… You are adorable though.”