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safe2264326 artist:charliexe-edits100 color edit9250 edit180435 editor:php1840 applejack207805 fluttershy268825 pinkie pie265643 rainbow dash290316 rarity225571 sci-twi32699 spike95056 spike the regular dog3290 sunset shimmer82553 twilight sparkle370864 dog14244 human268160 equestria girls267491 g42124152 abstract background26907 clothes676478 covering5416 cowboy hat28133 female1905453 fluttershy boho dress503 glasses95385 hat132988 heart82944 heart eyes32124 hug39614 human coloration7302 humane five6109 humane seven4073 humane six5570 jacket21845 leather3731 leather jacket5632 leg hug154 leggings3454 light skin edit149 looking at you282126 male584488 open mouth256357 open smile38787 panties67158 rah rah skirt382 rarity peplum dress2269 skin color edit289 skirt60016 smiling430586 smiling at you32224 stetson6125 tongue out156654 underwear83146 wingding eyes44254