“It has been two days since Shining Armor appeared shrunk inside a snowglobe. With his last moments of conciousness, he watched as Cadance and his daugher enjoyed their time together, unaware of his insignificant passing…”
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likely either theres some reason for her not to notice (out with troups doing a long patrol or something like that) or she is keeping it together for flurry’s sake
posible sad irony, in the case of the later, flurry is the one that caused the whole thing by acident during one of her magic flares.
Anyway, lemme read my child a story, looking like i dont even care.
I’d love to read that creepy pasta.
They’d spend the next few thousand years blaming each other for their situation.
I once was told a story in school which basically taught the following.
Heaven is wonderful because the people there with you work together and always help each other out. Hell, on the other hand, is agony because the people there will never work together, they’re selfish and refuse to help one another.
The main idea was that we make Hell what it is, just like on Earth only we’re stuck there for eternity.
It’s a terrible afterlife without the possibility of escape through death.
I can easily see the three villains creating their own Hell simply by being stuck together.
I’ve also heard a creepypasta about something similar to Shining Armor’s situation.
i call death of the artist/author. *if you are unfamilar with the term it basicly states that once a work of art be it writen or image is released the creator looses any right over how people perceive it or what traits they atribute to it) or to put it in a quote from one of my favorite people ever, i reject your reality and substitute my own (ten nerd points if you get that refrence)
McProky is the guy who commissioned this picture. So what he says is essentially canon. Since it’s his picture.
in equestria even rocks have magic, down to the tini8est pebel so na doesnt work that way
though in THIS picture your right his power is gone but as said its due to starvation, not him being shrunk
after all if being reduced in size had that deleterious effect on magic then when twilight turned herself and the girls into breezies (i know were not supposed to bring that up but it is cannon) the spell reversal, which drew its power from her, would have failed and they would have been stuck that way till celestia could get there to reverse
The magic at his size is pretty much gone. He can’t use any spell.
whats more his power has been reduced preportionla to his size…when he first ended up inside the snow globe he might ‘might’ have been able to shater it from the inside with a sheild bubble…but at the state hes at now, he probly couldnt muster enough energy to even crack it
not every unicorn can teleport, shining armors specialty is sheild spells, he can use powerfull sheilds and basic telekensisis but thats about it.
cadance will never let herself live this down, he was right there trying to get there attention and she never even saw him
this might be enough to trigger a love alicorn nightmare emergence (not sure which name for cadances nightmare i like better, was always partial to bad romance myself but thats just me)
The commissioner say why he wanted it. Like he making a fanfic with it or something..?
Do you not see the dying Shining?