Doof aka Doofus or Deus from Fallout Equestria Project Horizons.
He was a member of Macintosh’s Marauders during the war, and had a crush on Twist. He was the heavy of the group.
After Big Mac’s death, he was manipulated by Brass into raping Twist. Brass said that she had a crush on him, and that she needed it rough. Brass originally thought it would be funny as Twist could easily kick his ass. Doof goes to see her at the base, and confessed his feelings. Twist wasn’t flattered, and stated she was gay. She was also drunk at that time. He proceeds to rape her even while she was crying for him to stop.
After it happened, Applesnack walks in and he sees what happened. He proceeds to beat up Doof, and he is sent to prison.
The rest is history.
Also… Cuuuunnnt