Viewing last 25 versions of comment by SharpEdge on image #2675565

Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) -

Goddamnit if you are going to worf Shining Armor every single time he's involved in a plot, can they at least have to get through a MAGIC SHIELD first?

I'm fine with the constant worf'ing, he's a male in a female driven setting, so the females should lead, it's just, cmon, make it the tiniest bit of work to take him down.

Just a teeny tiny bit. Same amount of pacing, just have things play out with a shield involved.
Like, at least then he get worf'd to prove something. "Oh snap, this big bad can beat the SHIELD GUY'S magic shield, and he's like, got the best one, better be wary about using magic shields then.
No reason given
Edited by SharpEdge
Friendship, Art, and Magic (2020) -

Goddamnit if you are going to Wworf Shining Armor every single time he's involved in a plot, can they at least have to get through a MAGIC SHIELD first?

I'm fine with the constant worf'ing, he's a male in a female driven setting, so the females should lead, it's just, cmon, make it athe tiniest bit of work to take him down.

Like, at least then he get worf'd to prove something. "Oh snap, this big bad can beat the SHIELD GUY'S magic shield, and he's like, got the best one, better be wary about using magic shields then.
No reason given
Edited by SharpEdge