Capt. Shoichet: “Captain’s log, stardate 74330.17. The USS Sunset Shimmer warped into an unknown nebula near the Aridaginatan border. The nebula isn’t like any other nebula. It’s showing an album of the ship’s namesake and her friends enjoying their moments.”
Commander Inat’p: “Great. I come back from my phootshoot, only to see a nebula full of pictures!?”
Shoichet: “It’s the ship’s namesake.”
Lt. Gorfilo: “Captain. The geode drive is offline.”
Inat’p: “Great! Now we’re stuck in the nebula!”
Celestia: “Hello there. I sense a ship in my ascension realm.”
Shoichet: “Sorry to intrude, Mrs. Celestia. We’ll leave.”
A few hours later, the geode drive is back online and the Sunset Shimmer jumps to warp.