Gallus: Yona… Protect me, please.
Yona: *rolls her eyes* Silverstream is friend. She not cast spell on friends.
Sandbar: You’ve clearly not seen how unlucky Silver’s rolls have been when it comes to… collateral damage…
Silverstream: *pokes her tongue out* Well you should’ve put something towards magic armour then! Like Ocellus did!
Smolder: I don’t think we should be building our character sheets on the assumption our party members will be dealing more damage to us than the opponent though…
Ocellus: *deadpans* You’d think. But after so many campaigns, I’ve learned my lesson.
The Storm King had way too much fun to be Garrosh, who was just constant anger.
Beware, I heard them cry.
Their words carried, across the castle bleak
As Meteor Swarm lit up the sky.
I am dressed like little girl
Kiss me
Star space wars reference