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Y terminamos con los ultimos Wonderbolts, con el equipo de arqueria; realmente no tuvo tantos problemas, algunos detalles complicados, pero lo importante es que quede satisfecha con el resultado final.
que opinan ustedes?
Aqui esta dificil, ambos me gustan, pero creo que me inclinaria mas con Caramel  
Solo espero que les haya gustado
Braeburn y Caramel pertenece a Hasbro Pictures.  
Sus ropas, son creadas por su servidora.  
bases pertenece a SelenaEde
And we finish with the last Wonderbolts, with the archery team; I really didn’t have so many problems, some complicated details, but the important thing is that I am satisfied with the final result.
What are you think guys?
It’s hard here, I like them both, but I think I would lean more towards Caramel.  
I hope you liked something.
Braeburn and Caramel belongs to Hasbro Pictures.  
They clothes are created by her servant  
Bases belongs to SelenaEde


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