I imagine that she is conscious in there, even after all this time. Completely isolated and unable to interact with the world, she has surely gone far beyond mere madness
I’m not sure I remember correctly, but first time she only wanted friends, right?
Cozy Glow wanted friends, yes, but If I am not mistaken she believed making friends would give her power, in others words, she only wanted the power that she believed would have come with friends, she only wants to be powerful, this is also shown when she got Discord’s magic and started talking about how now she had more power ‘‘than all of you’’.
And yet it IS death
Yikes! That’s literally a fate worse than death!
I was thinking of scp-2718
She could’ve had her life sucked out by a Ghom.
The only comfort I can give is there is one way it could be worse
By now, she wishes she could rot.
Well, I guess it’s a way better fate than [DAMMERUNG CLASS COGNITOHAZARD EXPUNGED]
I trust the princesses 100%. Discord has lost my trust after the finale.
That’s just subversive propaganda, place your trust in the princess.
Even then, I still forgive her.
I’ll prefer Doritos Nacho Cheese
Lays you say?
Lays, all lays.
I mean, once you get bored of her, sure!
I would have thought you were a sledgehammer kind of guy.
Hopefully she can still suffer when ponies give her unwanted mountings :9
No, I meant Glimglam. I know Cozy only wanted power from the beginning.
Cozy Glow wanted friends, yes, but If I am not mistaken she believed making friends would give her power, in others words, she only wanted the power that she believed would have come with friends, she only wants to be powerful, this is also shown when she got Discord’s magic and started talking about how now she had more power ‘‘than all of you’’.
Finally, someone says it.