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Chuy Ryu
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@Hollowfox Jaeger  
here is the thing I dont have problems with people liking some ship at least they dont bother other people and specially the staff demanding what they want like in voltron case
starco is not forced, it was pretty obvious they will be a couple even before the show realeased… but still bad…
Hollowfox, Always The Worst Person
Solar Supporter - Fought against the New Lunar Republic rebellion on the side of the Solar Deity (April Fools 2023).
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Est. 2012
@Chuy Ryu  
Oh. My bad.
Is just that people should be allowed to ship whatever they want. Even though I hate both Sunlight and Rarijack because of being worried that the characters in both ships are not gonna care for Ragamuffin or Flash Sentry because the fandom dislikes them. (Even though I rather not say the M-word) (I excluded Spike because I used to think that dogs are unshippable according to fans… until the CYOA short about Spike being shipped with a poodle.)
Besides, how can a ship not be forced and not be one-sided at the same time? Because sometimes I think that if a couple gets more screentime, apparently it’s a forced ship (e.g.: Starco and Kirisuna). But if a couple doesn’t have little to no screentime, it’s one sided (e.g.: NaruHina and Ichihime)
Chuy Ryu
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YES! YES! THIS IS WHAT I WAS TALKING ABOUT!!!! when the stupid fans thinks they are owners of the show and demanding all the shit they want in a very threatening behaviour. this why I dont like pointless fanservice and couples forced by fans. it’s ok want to please the fans but not spoil them
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Lmao this is BS. Like focusing on the ONE unsubstantiated fear. Fans becoming creators has been a thing forever and always for the better - as it leaves things in the hands of people who know and care. (Terry Pratchett. Steven Moffat. etc. So many former fanboys, fan writers/fanartists becoming real ones. Not even mentioning the many names in our fandom…) There’s a problem with them being too geeky about it, sure, but the typical alternative is a franchise landing in the hands of corporate people who have no idea about what made something special. (Star Wars, Alien, etcetra)
Can we talk about the REAL threats to TV animation? Globalisation - everyone consuming the same global stuff. Pushing things to have even more lukewarm, universal appeal, drowning out any even a bit original nonmainstream topic or creators with their own stances. Entertainment becoming memes, even more like the fashiojn industry - momentary fancie of a lazy, ignorant audience can make anyone rich or bakrupt quick. Traditional media like TV stations dying and transition to new tech disorganized. Any individual creator can now reach a global audience but in return, the competition is even harsher. As the average level of quality for independents increases, so do the audience expectations, while former major players cuz budgets and lower quality constantly.
On one hand it is an exciting time. Having to live in fear of whether the market will make your ambitious dreams possible and profitable has always been there, and changing up some of the players and the old framework now gives people opportunities. On the other hand you’re on your own, more than before. You have to rely on networks of fellows rather than institutions. And we truly can’t predict if this will allow for quality works. In the past we associated great works with successful periods of big budget players. But then some may also point out that these are often still the companies’ early days. But still, these were the result of a lot of money flowing into the industry. Whether it is oldschool anme, Disney’s golden age, the early days of digital animation…There was money, purchasing power and excitement. That is just not there at the moment in the present day. People are more excited than ever about doing start-ups, and one challenge is indeed to get people in this type of self-made enterpreneur mindset (because parents still push their kids into traditional employment despite it tbeing the worse career path), but the question really is if there will be money and demand for this industry, if the (paying) audience will want to be there for the creators.
etc. rant
Background Pony #A2A3
Me three.
However,I should say that the fandom presence is a blessing and a curse. The curse is that there will be triggered picky fans about lots of things (even the tiniest ones) and become really annoying (Fame and Misfortune and Slice of Life). Not to mention that the situation can get pretty sinister when censorship is involved in it.
The good thing is that one can use fanservice as a source of inspiration and move on from there by taking certain petitions into account. For MLP,gen 1 stuff getting into gen 4 may not count but Trixie coming back and getting a second life in her character is a well balanced way of fanservice without getting awkward or too weird for outsiders who don’t know about the fanbase.
Hazel Ray

Didn’t that Ultron show on Netflix bend to the will of the fans too much and that ended up sucking? I don’t know the full details, but I heard something about that happening. So Larson has the right idea.