Regal Sky & Moonshine Rainbow were the first children of the family.
When they were small they lived in canterlot because Moonshine is an unicorn and can’t stay on clouds.
But they just half belong to this family, only Rainbow Dash is a full member of their little family.
Shortly after they were born Rainbow Dash & their real father divorced, ( I won’t tell you why because in the future you will more about that ).
So until they becamed fillies they lived alone with their mother.
When they were fillies Rainbow dash & Soarin married.
A year later Regal & Moonshine got a new brother, Cloudy Rock.
It was the first child of Rainbow Dash & Soarin.
A year after that there were new childs again, twins! ( again ).
Years rushed, the childs grew up but then… There was a new child born! ( yay )
Royal Dash was unexpected. She was completely different then her siblings.
She spend a lot of her time with her 2 friends or her sisters Moonshine and Regal.
Rainbow Dash never told Moonshine about their real father.
Regal Sky knew it since she is a filly but she didn’t wanted to tell it Moonshine but one day she found it out on her own….
But in this family are 6 children, a big family like that was never planned!!
This Next Generation belongs to me and RegalSkyYT !