“Well, I am a spy after all. We thought it was some spymaster or an inside job of some kind since they don’t have any clues who did it. I can’t believe it was foals. That’s hilarious.” She says snickering.
Emerald says that they are very capable and shouldn’t be underestimated, and that he’s been on all sorts of adventures. Emerald then says he’ll bring some of the files to show that his promise is good, and the rest when they are all finished. He asks when she gets off work, and if he should bring them by. He lies and says it’ll take him a day or two to get them since they are hidden. In reality he wants to make duplicates.
They decide that Emerald should come about an hour after closing, and the colt makes sure he is to come alone. He makes sure to raise and lower his eyebrows at the mare, and then he and Ruby leave.
The day is still young, and now that they’ve completed their one task Emerald decides that he’ll check out the Promenade a bit.
What does Emerald do?
Inventory & Spells - http://pastebin.com/D5PzFgGv