Viewing last 25 versions of comment by infinita est lux Solis on image #2049690

infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
Also, what the hell is going on with Twi's legs, I can't tell if the one she's gripping Moon's neck with is her fore leg or hind leg, and the one which Moon's holding looks way too far away from the torso, and if that is the hind leg, then I don't think it's supposed to bend that way.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis
infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
Also, what the hell is going on with Twi's legs, I can't tell if the one she's gripping Moon's neck with is her foreleg or hindleg, and the one which Moon's holding looks way to far away from the torso.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis