Despite being the straight ship out of the mane 6 these two are far from vanilla, Discord is a shapeshifter and powerful magic user so r63 is a lot more roleplaying rather than fantasy, AJ finds herself appreciating the different scenarios quite a bit, she is less attached to her mare-bits then most and has no problem decking her hubby.
This one is mostly me playing around with the fun of a r63 chart and horseplay (also subcord bcs there ain’t enough of it)
Good ol standart Discojack, Better believe Discord gets put in his place by his powerhouse of a wive a lot.
Some sweet post-kinky lesbian Discojack, never been a fan of super girly Eris sooo I p much just got Discord without facial hair n slightly more bangs.
Double gay Discojack, if you can magic your big drafthorse wive into a big drafthorse stallion then you get laid, that’s the math
Total r63, Eris demands a nice and proper Bridle for kinky playing and AJ is more then ready to break his new mare in.