Age: 18
Talent/Occupation: Making Treats
Nicknames: Spongey
Spongey is the sweetest, cheeriest, most hyper-happy half bird you’ll ever meet. That attitude runs in the family, though. Spongecake is just what you’d expect 2 of the happiest, most enthusiastic creatures in all of Equestria’s kid to be like. She always forgets she’s technically a princess, and finds it even a little funny when others refer to her as such. Her and her best friend, Ladybird, are double trouble, having similar hyper personalities. They’re the closest friends of the whole cast, and are practically inseparable. Spongecake’s happy nature is all her parents’ fault, as they give her as much affection as they can, and then some. She spends her time either with Ladybird, making treats, or making treats with Ladybird. She loves making cookies, candies, and any sweet treat you can imagine. She mentors Buttercream Frosting and teaches her all she’s learned about cake. Buttercream is like a little sister to Spongecake, and she couldn’t be prouder of how good Buttercream has gotten at her talent. She’s Ladybird’s partner in crime whrn it comes to pulling tricks, and especially in messing with Magi. They’ve definitely dealt with a few singed feathers after annoying Magi a bit too much, but it was totally worth it to see her reaction. She always means well, and tries her best to give everyone a chance at being friends.