Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Fanthrose on image #1896819

Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -
Since the Beginning  -

You can have your headcannon that involves all this time travel, bincest, and thinmags thicatl just plaesbian don't make sepawnse, but when you start saying this is how things actually are, you fall soundly into the "troll" label.

FFS, Twilight and Moondancer are the same age. They were in the same class. And this would also mean Moondancer should still just be an infant. Point is, there's thinking hard about stuff, and pulling things out of your ass and claiming it's true
No reason given
Edited by Fanthrose
Non-Fungible Trixie -
Wallet After Summer Sale -
Artist -
Since the Beginning  -

You can have your headcannon that involves all this time travel bs, and things that just plain don't make sense, but when you start saying this is how things actually are, you fall soundly into the "troll" label.

FFS, Twilight and Moondancer are the same age. They were in the same class. And this would also mean Moondancer should still just be an infant. Point is, there's thinking hard about stuff, and pulling things out of your ass and claiming it's true
No reason given
Edited by Fanthrose