Viewing last 25 versions of comment by Background Pony #7091 on image #1886618

Background Pony #7091

If I remember correctly, the original plan before the series started was not to have Nightmare Moon defeated in the premiere but to have it as a season long arc (with Luna being redeemed at the end of the season). But Hasbro wanted the episodes to stand alone.

As for why she left, Hasbro continued insisting on changes and eventually she couldn't deal with it. There's even some rumors that Hasbro startinged to toss around the idea of Equestria Girls around the time and we know that Faust hated Equestria Girls.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7091
Background Pony #7091

If I remember correctly, the original plan before the series started was not to have Nightmare Moon defeated in the premiere but to have it as a season long arc (with Luna being redeemed at the end of the season). But Hasbro wanted it the episodes to be stand alone.

As for why she left, Hasbro continued insisting on changes and eventually she couldn't deal with it. There's even some rumors that Hasbro starting to toss around the idea of Equestria Girls around the time and we know that Faust hated Equestria Girls.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7091
Background Pony #7091

If I remember correctly, the original plan before the series started was not to have Nightmare Moon defeated in the premiere but to have it as a season long arc (with Luna being redeemed at the end of the season). But Hasbro wanted it the episodes to be stand alone.

As for why she left, Hasbro continued insisting on changes and eventually she couldn't deal with it. There's even some rumors that Hasbro starting to toss around the idea of Equestria Girls around the time and we know that Faust hated Equestria Girls.
No reason given
Edited by Background Pony #7091