Viewing last 25 versions of comment by infinita est lux Solis on image #1799269

infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
I like them because they are main characters who aren't ponies (Perhaps that's why I never really liked Sandbar) and that Silverstream and Gallus are my two favorites of the bunch, Gallus reminds me so much of myself and Silverstream is a perfected Pinkie Pie (I never really liked Pinkie, I found her beyond annoying, but despite being extremely similar I actually like Silverstream, I still haven't figured out why though) Plus their interactions are great (Examples: >>1804026 and >>1804045 ) Gallus is the perfect amount of logic to balance Silverstream's chaos... Plus as someone else pointed out they're a lot like Pinkiedash, which despite me being a Flutterdash shipper, I agree is also a cute ship.
Reason: Fixed the Examples
Edited by infinita est lux Solis
infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
I like them because they are main characters who aren't ponies (Perhaps that's why I never really liked Sandbar) and that Silverstream and Gallus are my two favorites of the bunch, Gallus reminds me so much of myself and Silverstream is a perfected Pinkie Pie (I never really liked Pinkie, I found her beyond annoying, but despite being extremely similar I actually like Silverstream, I still haven't figured out why though) Plus their interactions are great (Examples: >>180404 and >>1804026) Gallus is the perfect amount of logic to balance Silverstream's chaos... Plus as someone else pointed out they're a lot like Pinkiedash, which despite me being a Flutterdash shipper, I agree is also a cute ship.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis
infinita est lux Solis
Artist -

Heretical Inquisitor
I like them because they are main characters who aren't ponies (Perhaps that's why I never really liked Sandbar) and that Silverstream and Gallus are my two favorites of the bunch, Gallus reminds me so much of myself and Silverstream is a perfected Pinkie Pie (I never really liked Pinkie, I found her beyond annoying, but despite being extremely similar I actually like Silverstream, I still haven't figured out why though) Plus their interactions are great (Examples: >>180404 and >>1804026) Gallus is the perfect amount of logic to balance Silverstream's chaos... Plus as someone else pointed out they're a lot like Pinkiedash, which despite me being a Flutterdash shipper, I agree is also a cute ship.
No reason given
Edited by infinita est lux Solis